Chapter 11

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No I got nothing to say. *Immediately thinks of Waving through a Window.*
Sophie's POV

The hours went ticking by everyday each one feeling like a millennia, waiting for someone to come visit her. After the ordeal Dex came over with Biana, Fitz, and Keefe. I asked were Tam and Linh went Keefe explained what the decided so I just nodded at the end and transmitted a small goodbye to the twins. We sat and talked, Edaline brought up some custard bursts. So we had a nice time until evening rolled around so everyone had to leave. "I'll come visit in the morning okay?" Fitz asked me while grabbing my hand. "Sure, that be nice." I replied. The reassurance in his voice and his kind smile made my heart flutter and caused me to blush a bit. "Bye Sophie." He said and went to the door to leave with Biana. Biana looked at me, then Fitz. She slyly smirked at her brother then winked at me. (A/N this is me.) Fitz turned red and grabbed Biana's arm to drag out of my room.

"Sophie after the way you overworked yourself helping Biana you made everything worse so that month might have to be longer, depending on how quick your body wants to heal." Elwin told me. My face formed disappointed frown. "But I helped Biana so that's all that matters." I said giving a small smile to the physician. I heard a small knock on the door and saw Fitz's head peak around the corner. "Good day Sophie, Fitz." Elwin said nodding to me and giving Fitz a small smile as he walked away to tell Grady and Edaline. "Hey Fitz!" I said cheerily. He didn't move his hands from behind his back while he made his way over to me. "I brought you something." He exclaimed happily, yet kind of nervously. I tilted my head to the side as he took his hand and put them in front of me. Mr.Snuggles in all his shining glory sat on top of a tin that had what I assumed some sort of treat. "What is that?" I asked pointing to the tin. "Well, my mom helped me make some custard bursts and I thought that you could have some of the better ones." He answered handing me the box. "Thanks Fitz. That's really sweet of you!" He was wearing a Foxfire uniform that reminded me that I haven't been to school in 3 weeks, and now have to skip it for another month. I set the tin in my lap and rested my face in my hands. "I'm going to be so behind in school." I moaned dreadfully. "You'll be fine Sophie! You've always been smart and good at catching up." He reassured me and put a hand on my shoulder. I would have but my hand on his shoulder but my other arm was broken so I debated using my foot but the leg near him was also broken and that would be stupid. So instead I smiled and said thanks. "But still, I can't wait till I get out if this bed and be able to do stuff!" I groaned and fell back against my soft bed then winced. "Sophie are you okay?" Fitz asked quickly helping me sit up again. "I shouldn't have done that, now my ribs hurt again." I told him. "Can you hand be the little green bottle? Elwin said it helps with the pain." I added. He obliged and watched me drink it, then looked at his Imparter. "Sorry Sophie I have to head to school, if I don't leave soon I'll be late." He said grabbing his leather bag in a flash. "Bye Fitz." I exclaimed waving with my good hand then smiled at him as he rushed upstairs to the leapmaster.

🤷‍♀️😒*Time skip cuz I'm lazy and don't know how to write.* 😒 🤷‍♀️

My arm and leg have finally healed and my ribs are good enough to walk. I can use my fingers again in stead of just my wrist since my nerve endings have reformed. So Elwin said I was good to go as long as Grady and Edaline let me. "Please Grady!" I begged my father as he contemplated me going to school. "Fine I don't want you missing your midterms and you need to study, so you can go." He said as he gave in to my pleads. "But if you feel anything start to hurt then you tell Elwin then come home." He added and stopped his lecture when Edaline came in the room. "I agree with your father you need to let us be aware if anything happens." She said in a much more 'If you get hurt everything will be fine' then Grady's 'if you get a paper cut your not leaving your room until your 2,000 years old' tone. "Thank you so much. I walked upstairs and got dressed to go see some of my friend to tell them that I'm okay. Since everyone has been studying for midterms the last time Fitz came over was almost 2 weeks ago. I began to walk downstairs to tell Grady and Edaline but saw them talking with Fitz. "I was wondering if I could go sit by the Panakes tree  to just get a break. I've been so busy I haven't had any breaks for weeks." Fitz said scratching his neck. "The view here is a lot better and I can see Sophie afterwards." He added on. "But Sop—" Grady was about to say that I was alright but then he saw me and I put a finger over my lips to shush him. Edaline ended up catching on and just saying that it was alright. "Thanks, I'll be back later." Fitz said and waved before heading out the door.

Woo this chapter took forever. I'm sorry.

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