Chapter 10

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Oh, Hi thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage.

Sophie's POV

I fought through the pain to sit up and shuffle my way out of the silky sheets. Everyone tried to stop me, especially Elwin. "Sophie you aren'ty fully healed yet!" He yelled after me. "I don't care!" I screamed back and walked—no ran—off the pain. When I got to Biana's room it looked like she was under a sedative. I shuffled my way to sit on her bed and reached my hands out to her temples. I pushed myself into her mind bracing for darkness and cracked pieces. But instead it was a pale purple, almost white sphere. Nothing that seemed to be broken on the inside. But the outside was a deep black with endless amounts of cracks inside.. I saw in the distance a girl wandering around the area trying to see outside. Her long brown hair swayed behind her and her heels clicked as she walked along a glass floor. I took a step forward and my shoes made a small creak. The noise caused her to turn around and revealed shining teal eyes. She ran towards me and gave me a big hug. "Sophie your okay!" She yelled. On the outside a few cracks filled up then stopped and came back when I winched from her embrace. "Biana, how, w-what is this?" I questioned. "It's a trick my dad taught me if anything ever happened and we needed to hide. He taught us right after Fitz manifested so he was a natural because of his telepathic background. I tried a lot but it never worked so I gave up. Then when I came here and saw everything cracking I
remembered some of it and tried it." She explained. She tapped on the wall and a small crack appeared. "It's not that strongm but I haven't really been effected to much. Only a little." She smiled sadly. "I'm just glad your okay." I said grabbing her shoulder. "But I can't bring you back if your conscious isn't harmed." I dropped my hand. "Okay." She said then started repeatedly kicking the wall with her heels. "Biana what the hec-" I was about to say then I got cut off be her falling over. I quickly understood that she did that so we could leave. I started transmitting happiness and hope to her subconscious. I thought of when I came to the lost cities. When I became her actual friend, whenever I passed midterms or finals. I focused all of hit and shoved it into her mind. I looked around me and Biana was the only persons mind that did this but, I could see the cracks mending themselves. I saw the darkness shatter reveling a beautiful blue sky. When every single crack was mended I slowly slipped out of Biana's mind after she disappeared, giving me a signal she was going to be okay. My eyes sprung open and saw everyone around me giving me a death glare. I smiled shyly and saw Grady sigh and I knew he was about to scold me. "Sophie Eliza-" he started but was cut off by Biana sitting up. She smiled at me, then slowly moved her head to her parents and Fitz. "Hi!" She exclaimed happily. Fitz bear hugged Biana then Alden and Della joined in. Edaline went over to hug me then whispered in my ear, "Your excused this time." The smiled at me the summoned Grady over by waving her hand. He joined in the hug rubbing my head as I closed my eyes with pure joy. "I love you both." He said and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

When we got back to Havenfeild Elwin gave me some Elixers and said to go to bed immediately. "You better listen to the doctor Sophie." Edaline said and helped me walk up the stairs. Grady followed behind us and opened up my door revealing my large room. I laid down since I've been in pajamas since I woke up at Everglen. "Edaline brushed some hair out of my face. "It's good to have you back kiddo." Grady told me. Edaline nodded  along. "We love you." Grady said. "So much." Edaline added. "I love you to Mom, Dad."

I did it, and sorry it's so short. Next chapter up maybe tomorrow! ❤️

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