Chapter 4

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Sophie's POV

When we got to Antlantis we knew that shopping wasn't something either of us would do. I shivered at the thought of willingly becoming Biana, so we decided to eat. Once we got our food I asked Fitz about what Biana said. "So Biana asked if this was a date?" I questioned, he nodded, he probably forgot when Biana called. "Is it?" I added. "I don't think so..." That was a stab in the heart, again. But not as hard as the last one. "I think it's just a day between friends." He smiled at me making this harder for me to wish this wasn't a date. I played around with the purple goop on my plate and continued eating. "Any dessert?" Fitz asked and smiled at me once more knowing I would say yes.

Fitz's POV

When I asked about dessert her head immediately looked up and her eyes sparkled. "I'll take that as a yes." I said. I called for the waiter came over and asked Sophie what was wrong, but I didn't question it. "Can we have some Mallowmelt please?" She asked, smiled and started turning her head towards me. "Wait." The persistent waiter called. Then this man started hitting on Sophie. I looked at him with disgust knew I needed to save Sophie. "Hey can you please leave? She is clearly not interested." I asked, a tad annoyed. "He grumbled and walked away and Sophie smiled at me. "Thanks Fitz." She thanked. "Hey, anytime." I replied an put my luster cube on the table and stated eating my Mallowmelt.

Once we were done we walked around a bit. I had to resist the urge to hold her hand, knowing how badly I wanted to. I know I haven't responded to her confession thing but I don't know how. I need to make it special more than just a 'Hey I love you.' Kinda thing. We
found a park and we sat on the bench while Sophie messed around with the flowers. My hand brushed against hers as she turned to me and laid her head against my shoulder. I plucked a rose and pulled of the thorns off of it. I pulled back her hair behind her ear and I put the rose there. I saw her smile as she slowly dozed off to sleep. I sat there and played with her hair for a bit then I decided that I should take her home. I picked her up and then used her home crystal to go to Havenfeild. "Hey Grady." I called out quietly "Fitz, what's wrong?" He asked once he saw Sophie in my arms. "She just fell asleep." I told him. "I just need to put her back in her room." I said. "Oh, and sorry for intruding." I said as my feet slowly moved up the stairs. "Your always welcome." He told me. I pushed the door open and walked over to the bed, my feet crushing the braided carpet. I pushed back the soft comforter and laid her down on the plush mattress. My hand latched onto the blankets and pulled them over her, all the way up to her collarbone. I pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. "I love you." I murmured. I pulled up her desk chair next to her bed and sat down. I slowly nodded of to sleep as she held onto my hand, and I watched her chest slowly rise and fall.

3rd Person's POV

Grady and Edaline were watching from the door and they confirmed 100% that there daughter was in love. "I'm glad it was Fitz." Grady said. "That Sencen boy would been way worse." He added. "Come on Grady, let's go." The woman called Della and explained the situation to her and got a understanding and excited nod. "I understand!" She exclaimed. They said their goodbyes and went there separate ways for the night.

Sophie's POV

My head was filled with plain darkness, like I was awake but my eyes didn't want to work, so I blinked a few times but noting happened. My head snapped out of it when I heard the ringing of an Imparter. "Hello?" I asked groggily, yet quiet to not wake Fitz. "So you are over there Fitz!" Biana yelled. I shushed her before she woke up Fitz. "Your brother is sleeping!" I whisper-yelled to her. I pointed to his head then his hand grabbed mine. "Bye Biana got to go!" I whisper-yelled again then threw the Imparter across the room. Fitz was awake with his shining teal eyes gazing at me, I smiled at him and sat up in bed. I sat next to him and started talking to him telepathically. "Good morning, why didn't you go home yesterday?" I asked him. "Hmmm," He hummed. "I don't know." He said. I could tell he was still sleepy so I let him sleep in his chair.

"Hey Grady?" I asked. "Edaline?" I was worried so I started to wander around the house. I found a note on the kitchen counter along with a plate of Mallowmelt. "Dear Sophie and Fitz, we went to Everglen. Come over when you wake up. Love Grady and Edaline." I read to myself, I grabbed 2 pieces of Mallowmelt and 2 cups of Lushberry Juice. I walked up the stairs and pushed open my door and saw Fitz still sleeping. "Hey Fitz." I said as I put the plate of Mallowmelt infront
Of him. "What?" He asked groggily. "My parents are at your house, they want us to come over." I told him. "And I have food." I added and saw his head perk up. "Fine... lets go." He said and rubbed his eyes. He got up and walked down stairs with his food in his hands.

We ate our food and then walked over to the leapmaster. "Everglen." I said slowly. We glittered away to Everglen and saw our parents and Biana in the big room. "Hi." Fitz said as we walked our separate ways next to our parents. "I hope you had fun." I heard Biana whisper to Fitz from across the table. "I did, I enjoyed it."

Finally I finished it! It's around 1030 words. My hands hurt a lot but I hope you like this! (I binged all of DC's Legends of Tomorrow season 2)

I Need You - A Sophitz StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora