Chapter 2

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Fitz's POV

Once Sophie left I felt happy, the cracks in my head gone with a wind of relief. I'm surprised how easy it is for that to happen. When seeing her sad, knowing I can't help just makes me want to break. But... I never do. I'm glad because I wouldn't be able to see her smiling if I did. I walked down stairs and saw Biana smiling, happily typing on her Imparter. "Who are you talking to?" I asked pulling a chair next to hers. "Dex~" her voice sang out like a song bird. "You seem happy." I examined. She nodded quickly. "I thought you liked Keefe." I told her with a smirk on my face. She blushed and stopped typing. "I don't like Dex!" She whined. "He's just a friend." She added picking up her imparter. "Your not any better with Sophie." She said, turning her head to look at me. " I don't...." I said, knowing that was a big lie. "It's written all over your face my brother." She said. "So do you, my favorite sister." I said ruffling her hair. She pouted but then laughed. "Okay Fitz, I have to leave." She said then quickly adding, "I'm doing my Matchmaking Packet with Sophie." She stood up swiftly and walked over the leapmaster. "Havenfeild!" She yelled as she stepped into the beam of light. "Biana, wait!" I yelled as I threw her packet into the beam of light, managing to hit her in the face. "Sorry Biana! Have fun!" I yelled as she disappeared, angry, but clutching her cheek as she waved not so happily.

Sophie's POV

Biana stomped into my room packet in one hand, other hand on her very red cheek. "What...happened?" I asked trying not to laugh. "I forgot to grab my packet so Fitz threw it to me, but he threw it to hard so it hit me in the face." She grumbled as she sat down and opened her packet. I handed her a pen and sat next to her and started reading the 600 question packet. This will be a long day.

Around 5 plates of Mallomelt, 2 plates of Custard Bursts, and 4 glasses of Lushberry Juice later, me and Biana were finally done. "That. Was. Brutal." She said lying down on the ground. "But I'm so excited!!!" She added excitedly as she popped back up and clapped. "I guess so." I said as I flopped onto my bed. "I could go to bed right now, you?" I asked. "Yeah me to." She replied and plopped her self next to me. I quickly drifted of to sleep after about 28 seconds. Little did I know Edaline was watching us as she slowly closed the door and walked away smiling. "Shes all grown up now." Edaline exclaimed happily to herself as she walked downstairs and made dinner, planning to wake up the two girls once dinner was ready. Also once Grady was home.

I've kept my promise so far of having every chapter be over 500 words. (This one is 521, the last one was 549) Goodbye 👋🏻

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