Chapter 5

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Sophie's POV

I walked down the green halls, my green level four cape swaying behind me.  It was my first day back in Foxfire after the break. I was walking to Elvin History j I felt someones hand grab me and pull me into a empty classroom. A piece of cloth rapped around my nose making me gasp for air, I tried to get out of their grasp but the bitter smell of sedatives filled my nose as I fell backwards and my vision went blurry and then to black.

My eyes fluttered open only for me to flinch because a cloth was rapped around my head. There was a gag in my mouth as well along with the taste of sedatives lingering in the back of my throat. "Where am I?" I asked scared but trying to sound intimidating. "No one else can hear you." The almost familiar voice responded. "Who are you?" I pressed on. "My my Sophie, so many questions." I felt hands circle around my face. "Let go of me." I ordered. They didn't stop. "I said let go!" I yelled, I tried inflicting on them but to no avail. "The cuffs are flashing purple! That means you tried to use your powers!" They exclaimed. I heard them pick up something and then turn it on. "Everyone just loves medlers don't they?" They asked before zapping me with the electricity. I screamed loudly as I thrashed aging the metal cuffs. I tried reaching out to Fitz, Biana, Edaline, anyone. But every time the person standing in front of me zapped me every time.

Fitz's POV

I was sitting in telepathy class waiting for Sophie to arrive. "Where is she?" I mumbled to myself. "She was here this morning, do you know where she could be?" I asked Teirgen. He shook his head and walked over to the door to look out the hall. "Biana what's wrong?" He asked the frantic girl. "Sophie- she's been- kidnapped by the Neverseen!" She yelled through pants and gasps. "What!?" I screamed and bolted out of my chair and shook Biana by her shoulders. She had tear stains, and fresh ones, streaming down her face. "How do you know?" I asked her. She explained how there was a note from the Neverseen in her locker and how it said they took her. "I'll contact Magnate Leto, we'll have to evacuate the school. I hope no one else was taken." He told us then he excused himself to hail Magnate Leto. Almost a minute later we heard a announcement over the speaker. "Hello students, school will be ending early today so can we please have everyone collect in the main hall." Magnate Leto said and I heard the shuffle of feet from nearby classrooms. I handed Biana a tissue and she wiped her face. "Let's go Biana." I said and we joined in the crowd of students. The white level 6 capes waved in our faces. A single green cape stood out from the sniffling girl next to me. All the level 6's soon joined a hoard of colorful capes and laughing students. Me and Biana were the only two quiet out of them.

"Your all dismissed!" Magnate Leto's voice rang through the large room with about 500 people shoved into it. Happy laughs passed through the halls. The crowd shuffled out of the main hall to head to the leapmaster, but Magnate Leto pulled us aside. "Fitz, Biana, will you please tell Grady and Edaline what happened? I have a hunch that they will handle it better if you tell them, I have a feeling they don't like me that much." He asked. I nodded and tagged along with Biana to the end of the crowd of kids. Group by group, person by person, we were finally at the leapmaster. "Havenfeild." I said softly, honestly I was scared of what would happen. This is the second time their daughter has been kidnapped by the Neverseen. The held onto Biana's shoulder as we stepped into the light.

"Hey Sop- Biana, Fitz what happened?" Edaline asked when she saw us instead of Sophie at the leapmaster. "Can we come inside?" Biana asked. "Yeah, but what happened to Sophie?" She asked, I felt terrible because she had such a worried expression. She sat down on the couch in the living room and asked us to sit down. "Sophie, she disappeared this morning. Then Biana found a note from the Neverseen in her locker." I said looking down at my shoes. She grabbed her mouth and tears started streaming down her face. She hugged me and sobbed on my shoulder, I pointed to Biana to go find Grady. "It's okay Edaline." I said and tried to clam her down. Biana and Grady came down the stairs and Grady ran to his wife. "Thank you Fitz." Grady thanked, He was rubbing Edaline's head to calm her down. I have to say he did a lot better job then I did-which is understandable-or probably ever could. I nodded and hugged Biana then walked with her back to the leapmaster. "Everglen." She quivered. The crystals spun around, like my thoughts at the moment. The beam of light shot out of it and made the whole room have a warm glow. I took Biana's hand and walked through it, I didn't want to face anyone except my family right now because my cognate is gone. I know that the BlackSwan will be working around the clock until they get her back. I also know that I would probably lock myself in my room, but Sophie wouldn't let me do that. So I won't. We stepped away from the leap master and I ran to my parents in the dining room.  "Mom, Dad, I want to help the BlackSwan look for Sophie!" I told them. "Me too!" Biana added after me. "Okay. We know how much you both love Sophie, we do too so well let you help." My dad answered. "Do you want me to hail Dex, Keefe, Tam, and Linh?" I nodded after my mom asked me. "Good because I know that you'll need help."

1030 words, I still got it. 🙌🏻 Bye and I hope you enjoyed, also when the whole 'Kidnapped' thing is done I'll be writing cute Sophitz chapter. I'm taking suggestions for said cute fluff stuff. Just message me or post it on my message board! Have a wonderful day/night! 😋

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