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No one pov

Kayla- uh ur so annoying!!

Jacob- •mumble• maybe is you weren't so bitchey

Kayla- •slaps him• don't ever talk to me like that again. now do the project or else..

To everyone's surprise this was the nicest Kayla has ever been to him. they were in the 9 grade..

Jacob- fine.. but I need you to leave..

Kayla- •stands up• why. you don't want ur bully in ur house. •laughs•

Jacob- no I'm having a girl come over. so you have to leave..

Kayla- oh! you have a girl come over ur house impossible.

•door bell rings•

Jacob- there she is! •opens door• hey star..

Star- hey •hugs him•

Kayla- excuse us •slams soor in her face• are you stupid

Jacob- no nd why would you do that

Kayla- Jacob don't you understand she's using you. she probably has some homework or something for you to do..

Jacob- no she isn't..

Kayla- yes she is.. You wear big glasses you have braces nd ur hair is always in a ponytail.. she's using you..

Jacob- •puts head down• can you jus leave..

Kayla- •walks out• bye.

That's it for today folks lol love ya bye

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