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Kayla pov

It's been 5 months now. My baby is so healthy anyways I took a nap and woke up at 5 in the evening. I heard Jacobs phone go off. I gently reached over him thinking it was one of the boys that texted him. When I got the phone it said ARRIANNA in Capitol letters. I read the text it said " hey Jacob you gonna tell your little bitch about what we did on the bus while everyone was gone. Well if I were you I would or I will😏! the clock is ticking ⏰. " No he didn't cheat on me! Jacobs not like that, he's sweet and caring. Arrianna also wouldn't have sent a text like that if she knew I was here, and she doesn't know I'm here. So that brings it down to one thing. Jacob cheated on me. I got out of his bed. I grabbed my keys, phone, and phone charger.

" Where ya going? " Jacob groaned

" Is that any of your damn business " I said

" What did I do? " Jacob asked and stretched.

I showed him his phone and what Arrianna sent him, his eyes widened.

" I'm sorry. " Jacob pleaded

" Sorry doesn't always help. " I said quietly as I walked out his door. When I got down stairs I was crying just a little.

" Morning! " Michelle said " are you ok? " she asked

" Yea I'm just gonna go home. " I said quickly wiping my tears.

I walked outside to my car.

" Wait! Kayla hold on! " Jacob yelled running out of his house.

I leaned on my car crying just a little. " for what Jacob what more is there to talk about! " I yelled.

He tried to wipe my tears I smacked his hand away " don't touch me. " I demanded while looking the other way.

He turned me to face him "what else should I say to you!?" He yelled. I went from a blank face to a 'what the fuck did you just say' face. I feel like snacking this idiot.

" Why? Jacob why?!! " I yelled with tears pouring down my face.

He ran his hand through his hair " because of you!!" He screamed.

I stood up from my car " no Jacob this is because of you!! Because you promised. " I quieted down a little "because you said you wouldn't Jacob. You promised. " I started to cry a little more.

" I know I promised but" I cut him off

" But nothing you broke a simple promise. Honestly it hurts I know a million other guys would but I never thought you. I guess Princeton has officially taken over huh? Congratulations. " I said while getting in my car.

He backed away so I could pull out. Jerk. I hate him right now.

I went home and got a tub of chocolate ice cream out of my freezer. I walked up to my room and blasted my music. I put on alone by Jacob latimore. I started crying and eating ice cream.

" Kayla. " I heard my aunt call out.

" I'm in my room " I yelled.

She walked upstairs and walked over to me.

" What's wrong mami? " she asked as she sat down next to me.

I turned down my music. " this morning I found out that Jacob cheated on me. with that Arrianna girl on tour he says it was because of me and I told him it was because of him because he broke his promise. " I cried out to her.

She hugged me. " what are you gonna do now. " she asked

" I don't know. I just need time to think. " I wiped my tears. "I'll be back later."

" Be safe and don't do anything stupid with my niece. " she got up and walked away.

I walked to my car and went to the place Jacob took me on our first date. I sat down and watched the sun. I have to talk out loud to make sure I sound. I have a star I talk to here.

"I'm upset that he lied to me and it took him so long to tell me or for me to find out. I mean he said it was my fault it was because of me. What did I do wrong? Did I not give him enough of me? I gave him all of me. Every piece I had were in is hand. I opened up to him. I don't even know why I'm so bothered. I'm used to people leaving me. I'm used to people breaking me. I just wanna know why he would do that. Was I not good enough for him? pretty enough, skinny enough? or am I just that repulsive to him now. " I asked my star.

" Stop doubting yourself your beautiful, your perfect. I slipped up. If anything I'm not good enough for you. I should have kept my promise. I was just mad because we were arguing and I don't know it happened. " Jacob said as he sat next to me.

" I just need time to think. Maybe we need a break. " I said looking at the stars.

" If your ok with that then so am I. " He smiled at me. I didn't smile back. He shook his head and went back to his car.

I got up and went home. I was In a mood today so I wrote a song on my piano my mom got me.

"I need someone, That I'll look to,

In the lonely hour, That we all go through,

To give me comfort, And love me through,

In the lonely hour, I need you . . . . I need you, (I need you)

I don't need diamonds, I don't need jewels,

No amount of riches, Will cover up these blues,

I don't need suggestions, About a-starting new,

In the lonely hour, I need you,

There's nothing i can do, I'm helpless without you,

It's a losing, Point of view,

When there's a wistful silence, In an empty room,

These other voice's, They don't cut through,

In the lonely hour, I need you . . I need you . . . And i need you,

I need someone, That I'll look to,

In the lonely hour, I need you . . . . I need you, I need you

A/N- it's called lonely hour by Sam smith.

There we go! I feel better. I took a shower and crawled to bed. I fell asleep to the notebook.

A/N- I guess you can say it's a filler so it's short. Ok bye love you bye


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