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Kayla's pov

It's been about two weeks now. I still go over Jacobs house hang out with his family. I miss him. We talk all the time but we argue. I don't like too argue with him. He changed. He changed so much I can tell. He's not my nerd that wears big glasses or has hair in a pony tail anymore. Anyways I'm just in my room watching MTV he's up here.

Interviewer- so Princeton do you have a girl friend?

Jacob- actually I do

Crowd- •gasps and awws•

Interviewer- oh tell me all about her.

Jacob- she's beautiful. Sges short.

I started to smile as he described what I thighs was me. But boy was I wrong. It was Arrianna he was talking about.

Jacob- her names Arrianna. Wanna meet her?

Interviewer- why of course!

Arrianna walked out on the stage waving and smiling.

Interviewer- wait! I thought you had a different girl?

Jacob- w-we broke up. she cheated on me.

I stated to cry jus a little.

Crowd- •boos•

Jacob- yea it was heart breaking. I was broken until I met Arrianna. •smiles• she lights up my life

Crowd- aww!

Interviewer- well I would love to hear more except we just ran out if time. I'm Jessica waters and that was the

All- mindless behavior takeover wooo!!

After that I turned my TV off. I called Alicia. She was over here right away.

Alicia- tell me everything.

Me- •cries• he said up here he broke up with me a-and he said I broke his heart and now people are sendings messages that they are going to kill me

Alicia activated her ghetto side

Alicia- oh hell no give me that niggas number. Matter of fact give me your god damn mother fucking phone.

She snatched my phone and called him.

•Phone call•

Jacob- hey babe!

Alicia- oh no this nigga didn't he just went in live TV and said she broke my heart and trek say hey babe oh no oh hell to the no. Kayla you betta get him imma fuck him up.

Me- •took it off speaker• are you really breaking up with me

Jacob- you saw the show huh?

Me- yes Jacob I did!

Jacob- call me princeton! •he yelled•

Me- don't yell at me •I screamed•

Jacob- ur always mad. Always. I didn't do anything.

Me- you told a millions of people I broke ur heart and now all people are doing is saying they will kill. me ok do you hear me. kill me! •I cried•

Jacob- maybe they should! •he yelled•

Me- really. I can't believe I thought you wouldn't change. cause the Jacob I know would keep his promise

Jacob- I'm not Jacob I'm Princeton

Me- ya know what. I'm so done. I'm over fighting for a relationship you don't want. the only person in this couple is me. you don't do shit! And I trust you. oh wait no that must have been Princeton I trusted. Don't ever call me and when you get back don't fucking talk to me ur shit will be on the curb of my house •hangs up•

•end of conversation•

I hate him right now. Alicia came over abs hugged me.

Alicia- it's ok. I promise.

Me- can I tell you a secret.

Alicia- of course

Me- •wipes tears• I'm pregnant.

Alicia- oh! my! god! you have to have that ass holes kid.

Me- yep •looks at stomach• yes

Jacob pov

I feel kinda bad. I promised her I wouldn't change and it's only been 2 weeks. I promised her. Not Princeton. Jacob. People are even threatening her. I said she broke my heart when she actually sewed it back together. Ok now I have to call and apologize.

•phone call•

Me- Kayla can we talk

Kayla- yea I have to tell you something too. you go first.

Me- ok. in sorry I broke my promise to you and that I days they should kill you I really shouldn't have said that and when I said you broke my heart you put it back together and the whole me and Arrianna thing not even true. it's just a dating stunt. So I'm really sorry babe. I love you.

Kayla- •sighs• I love you too. and can I tell you what I was gonna say

Me- yea. of course

Kayla- so do you remember when we had sex. yea. when you left I was throwing up and I think I might be •mumbles•

Me- might be what?

Kayla- pregnant you idiot pregnant!!

Me- it's my kid

Kayla- no it's Santa Claus kid of course it is!

Me- I'm having a kid

Kayla- yea. but I'll see you later I'm going to sleep.

Me- o-okay love you

Kayla- love you too.

•end of conversation•

I can't believe I'm having a kid. I'm still a kid how am I supposed to take car of a baby when I'm just a kid.

I walked over to Roc, Ray and E.J

Me- I'm having I'm having I'm having I'm having a

E.J- ur having a what dude a what

Me- •looks up• I'm having a baby

A/N- I'm so tired lol love ya guys bye

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