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Jacob pov

I'm Jacob I live with my mom dad and my sister. I live a normal life like everyone else. I got in my car nd drove to school..I was walking down the hall with my head down remember what Kayla said to me yesterday.. I was jus wandering why she helped me out.. because she was right about star.. She was also right about the whole big glasses, braces, nd the ponytail. I was at my locker when Kayla hit all my books to the floor I picked them up and when I got up she was smirking

Kayla- so how did your stupid little date go..

Me- it was good •walks away•

Kayla- •grabs my arm• where are you going..

Me- to class

Kayla- •kicks him• don't get an attitude with me

Me- •falls to ground• that's the third time you've done that..

Kayla- •smiles• yes I know.. see ya in class.. Nd that project better be good •walks away•

Me- •mumbles• bitch

I know what ur thinking why don't I ever do anything but I can't hit a girl. I'm not the type to do that to anyone.. I walked to class nd sat in the back of the room. Of course Chresanto had to come say some slick shit..

Chresanto- what's up nerd

Me- .....

Chresanto- so don't want to talk today.. Rayan. check this out

Rayan- what?

Chresanto- nerd here doesn't want to talk. But i think we can arrange something for him to..

Rayan- well of course we can..

Me- •stood up•

Rayan- •pushes him to seat• where the hell do you think ur going..

Me- t-to the bathroom..

Chresanto- sit down damn.. always going somewhere lookin for someone.. speaking of that I heard my girlfriend was at ur house. what were you guys doing..

Me- I-I was helping her with her ho-homework .

Chresanto- I don't believe you..

Rayan- man he ain't have sex with her.. there would be nothing to ride.. •laughs•

Chresanto- •laughs harder•

Me- sorry?

Chresanto- •punches him in his jaw• shut the hell up.

Me- OWW!! •holds jaw•

Girl- hey why won't you guys jus leave him alone..

Chresanto- •turns around• well hello beautiful.. •touches her hip•

Girl- •punches him• WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!

Rayan- dayyumm

Class- •laughs•

Me- •laughed•

Chresanto- •picks me up• what are you laughing at

Me- uh nothing

Girl- •taps chresanto• I think you need to put him down..

Chresanto- •puts him down• whatever

Me- thank you.. I'm Jacob

Girl- I'm Arrianna

Me- thank you for that back there.. nd chresanto wasn't lying

Arrianna- about what?

Me- that ur beautiful •smiles•

Arrianna- aww!! thank you..

After that we had all classes together. I didn't even notice how I passed through class.. Then the worst thing ever happened.. Kayla!

Kayla- hey Jacob who's ur new bitch

Arrianna- excuse me!

Me- •puts head down• come on Arrianna •grabs her hand nd walks away•

Kayla- I'll see ya later for that project c.s

Arrianna- what is her problem?? nd why did she call you c.s

Me- I don't know nd it's cotton swab.

Arrianna- why do they call you that..

Me- my hair..

Arrianna- oh umm wanna hang out later.

Me- I can't I'm sorry

Arrianna- no no it's ok maybe Saturday at 7 the movies?

Me- ok.. bye

Arrianna- bye

she asked me out..

But I gotta get home nd go to the dentist I'm getting my braces taken out.

Kayla pov

I'm somewhat jealous right now of Jacob.. oh yea let me introduce myself I'm Kayla. Kayla Torres.. my boyfriends name is chresanto.. I'm popular nd rich nd spoiled.. I get what I want. To me looks nd ur appearance is everything.. ok so back to Jacob.. well I like him but I jus don't know how to tell him.. But it's probably too late now because he was with that new girl.. I have to admit it though she was pretty.. I walked into Jacobs house. it was big yet small. The house was very old fashioned it was a egg shell color, had a tire swing in the front yard, a huge pool, nd a playground.. the inside was beautiful it had nice painting nd looked very modern.. I walked up to his room.. I opened the door to him with no shirt on his hair was out nd he didn't have in glasses.. he looked good before but this this was way better.. I jus sat there nd stared at him.. I mean chresanto had a banging body but with Jacob you can tell by his eyes he had love and affection.

Me- H-hey um you ready to start the project

Jacob- •smiles shyly• uh sure..

He put ona bob Marley shirt nd jus sat his desk nd so did I.. we had to pick a destination .. We picked Tahiti..

Me- can I help you

His eyes widened in amazement that I would ever say that..

Jacob- sure •stands up• here you can take my seat.

Me- thank you.. I like ur face.


Jacob- •blushes• thank you.. your beautiful..

Me- •leaned next to him•

Jacob- •leaner closer•

Nd then boom next thing I knew we were kissing.. it felt pretty good.. who am I kidding that was the best kiss ever.. he pulled away nd jus looked at me. I was blushing... I stood up..

Me- I should probably get going

Jacob- •runs hand the through hair• yea.. I'll see ya tomorrow.

He walked me to the door..

Me- •hugs him• bye.

Jacob- •hugs back• bye.

I walked out the door..

No one pov

At the same tune they both thought "the only keeping us apart is society"

A/N- that's all for today.. nd I'm changing there grade there in 12 grade love ya bye

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