Mom & Daughter Tandem

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Yue woke up with a smile on her face. Her eyes were still close but all her senses were fully awake. She reached for her husband's side of the bed but it was empty.

She slowly opened her eyes. And looked for him.

"Love?? Dyllllaannn??" she screamed his name.

But he was not inside the room.

"Where did that guy go this early in the morning?" she frowned at her thought. "What kind of energy that guy has? Isn't he tired from what we did all night?" she blushed.

Yue didn't want to go out of the bed yet. She was too tired from last night. And it was all her husband's fault.

20 mins more on the bed when Yue decided to finally get up. It was already 7 in the morning. Her kids might be awake now. And she needs to prepare meals for them.

Yue checked her kids in their room but they weren't there. She panicked and immediately run down from the second floor, where their rooms were located, to the first floor.

She was out of breath from running when she reached the ground floor but then she realized that they must be with Dylan. Ofcourse their youngest is just 1 year and 3 months and it can't barely walk.

"Dylan?" she searched for them again. They weren't on the receiving area, playroom or dining area so they must be on their kitchen.

And she was right. Her husband with their kids were in their kitchen. Dylan was preparing breakfast and their kids were helping him out.

"Hey hey.. don't put salt in mama's milk." Dylan reprimanded their 4 year old daughter.

She frowned at her dad. "No! You put this on mama's milk." she insisted.

"What? you're really unbelievable! Alright. Alright. Put anything you want on that milk. I will just make another one for mama."

"Ok. Then you dwink this one papa." and she added more salt on the milk.

Yue's heart bursted in happiness. The sight of her husband and kids bonding over something is always her happiness. Could it be playing around, watching cartoons or even the a simple bickering of her husband and kids makes her really happy.

"What?! You're really the daughter of Shen Yue!"

Their daughter just stuck out her tongue and made face to her daddy.

Yue laughed and stepped in inside the kitchen. She went over to their son and picked him up on his baby chair. Flour was all over his face.

"Ok. Enough of the bickering." she reprimanded. "The kitchen is a mess." she commented while wiping off the flour on their son's face.

Dylan smiled at his wife and went over to her. "Goodmorning love." he greeted and gave her a long kiss on her lips.

"We pwepared bweakfast for mama." their daughter said excitement evidence on her cute voice.

"Wooww. What did you prepare my love?" Yue also carried her on her other arm. And gave her chubby cheeks a kiss.

"Milllkkkk!! I made milk for you mama. But papa also made one for you. So i will let papa dwink the one i made."

Yue laughed at her daughter's cuteness. "Wow. How sweet of you my love.. Okay! Let's give daddy the milk so he can drink it now." Yue heard the whole conversation of her husband and daughter. She knew that their daughter add salt in it instead of sugar.

She looked at Dylan and made a funny face. This is her revenge for not letting her sleep the whole night.

Dylan just shook his head in disbelief.

"Alright. Alright. I'll drink the milk." he gave up.

Guessed he can never win with this mom and daughter tandem.

DyShen / DiYue One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now