7 -Jen

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Sunday was a clear, cold day. Jen bundled up and went for a walk on the beach. She had a wonderful time visiting with her parents. The only negative was they kept talking about that guy, Alex. She was a little jealous he had become a part of their daily lives, which was illogical, because she was the one who stayed away for so long ─ not that she wanted to. Was Sterling afraid she would go home for a visit and lose the R sound? He was the one whose accent came back anytime he went home to Georgia. She didn't want to think about his accent, because it reminded her of how sexy it was. Was!

She finally spoke to him, but not about their marriage or the incident. She only spoke about business and what loose ends she needed taken care of while she was gone. He asked when she would be back and she answered honestly.

"I don't know."

As she walked, she saw the house again from the beach. It was a beautiful house if only it were someplace else. That guy, Alex, must be good and he wasn't very old either. Jen guessed he was only a few years older than her. He was tall and broad. The result of hard work.

Jen stopped by Megan's. Her home was warm and comfortable after the cold walk. Megan was embarrassed, but Jen tried to put her at ease. She complimented her coordination of colors and assured her good designs didn't need to be expensive.

"This is all new. We just redid the entire house last fall. Alex was amazing and helped plan the perfect space."


"Our friend. He built the house you're designing."

"I met him. What's his story?"

"Over the past seven years, he has built a huge business. He eats two meals a day at The Landing when he's around. That's when I first got friendly with him."


"No, not like that." Megan laughed. "Although who wouldn't want to? He reeks pheromones."

"I heard that!" Peter hollered from the kitchen.

Soon the room filled with children, since each twin had a friend over. "Nick and Sophie, stop and meet our friend, Jen." Peter said, "Jen is Rick and Miss. Alice's daughter."

Nick said, "Hi."

Sophie who looked just like Megan asked, "Did you live at The Landing and eat lobster every day? Where were you? Why don't you live there now?"

"That's a lot of questions. I live in New York now, but I slept there last night."

She seemed satisfied. "You're pretty. Daddy says I'm beautiful just like mommy. They didn't use to be friends, but now they love each other and we're a family. Did you know you can love someone you didn't like? I don't like Owen in my class."

"Okay, Sophe. Go play." Peter laughed. "She's a talker."

Everyone else loved this guy she didn't like.

Before long, Abbie, the baby woke up and Jen watched as she shyly clung to her mother. She wasn't happy to be awake or perhaps she didn't like having a stranger in the house. She had a million questions, but she couldn't ask about how they went from not being friends to a family again. They were friendly enough to have a baby!

She visited for a long time and was glad she and Megan fell into an easy conversation after being distant, so long.

Megan said, "Tell me about your husband."

"He's a southern gentleman who is trying hard not to be southern. We were best friends before we became a couple... roommates along with our friend Avery. The three of us are just like I was with you guys, except Avery is the third wheel, not me." She felt sadder as she said the words. What would happen to her threesome?

She woke early and was downstairs having coffee before seven. There was no way she would let him get there first. Sure enough, Alex walked in at seven sharp.

Her father greeted him. They talked a few minutes, and he laughed. When he smiled, Jen could see what Megan was talking about.

"Okay. I'm off to work. Come over whenever you want."

She grabbed her bag and followed behind him. Did she see him smile? Was he trying to screw with her?

When she arrived at the house, she did a walk through. She found him on the phone, as she started taking measurements using her electronic tape measure.

He hung up from his call. "I can copy the plans with all the dimensions." He pointed to the blueprints.

"Thank you." His offer surprised her and would save her time. Instead of measuring, she started taking pictures.

"I'm sorry about the other day. I was having a really bad day and seeing someone new behind the counter, even though I now know you aren't new, really threw me off."

"Bad day, huh? Bang your finger with a hammer."

"Ha, ha. Although you'd be surprised how often that happens even with experienced builders. Are you going to apologize to me?"

"For what? For being angry that you ruined this beach."

"Believe it or not I agree with you. However, it was the Thompsons who bought the land and the planning board who approved the build. I could have said no, but they would have found another builder. What she originally wanted was an eyesore. This is a compromise."

"I saw Megan's house. It's nice."

"I loved giving that family a bigger home."

He sounded sincere. Maybe he wasn't that bad. Still, she wasn't joining his fan club.

He interrupted her thoughts. "You need to let me know when you're ready to proceed. I have to schedule the subs to do the work. I think we'll be working closely so let's just agree to disagree and try to get along."

She nodded and continued taking pictures of every room at every angle. After he promised to drop blueprints off to her, she left. It wasn't even ten in the morning. She went straight to work on her mother's dining table, hoping to have some preliminary ideas when she met Sydney on Thursday.

She liked working on new construction. It was a clean slate, but it was also daunting. She had only designed an entire home twice before. She emailed Sydney throughout the week and they made plans to meet at a new restaurant in town.

She felt like a visitor when she saw all the changes to the town. At least their old high school looked the same.

She had dressed for her meeting and felt like the New York Jennifer for the first time since she left for Maine. When Sydney arrived, she apologized and told her the plane was delayed.

"It's fine. I have some ideas to show you. We will start with the basics; color schemes, textures..."

They looked at her suggestions and Sydney made decisions. They both ordered salads, and the conversation turned away from the design.

"Where are you staying?"

"With family."

That summer Sydney would stop in for a lobster roll and her father would ask how she loved her house as proud as punch. She didn't care what Sterling thought. It was time to be honest.

Taking a deep breath, she asked, "Can I trust you to keep something private?"

"I'm not a gossip and I am considered trustworthy by my friends."

"I didn't just vacation here. I grew up on The Point year round. Sterling doesn't want anyone to know where I came from."

"Why? It's nothing to be ashamed of?"

"He wouldn't agree, but there's more. I'm sure you know my father, Rick. I grew up above The Landing."

"So, my father made light bulbs in a factory. We all have a past." Jen relaxed her shoulders. "I was going to community college when I met Philip at a bar in Harvard Square. He looked bored, so I spoke to him. I could tell he was smart but very shy. He didn't care about my background, although his family was well to do. Sometimes I still wonder how the girl from Somerville ended up in New York City. I don't hide my story, but I don't tell the whole world either." She paused. "I got where I am through my husband. You've succeeded through your own talent. You should be proud of who you are."

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