25 - Alex

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Having her so close was torture. He suddenly didn't know how to act or what to say. He may need to keep his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her.

He called Tom thinking his brother wouldn't answer with Jen away because they'd be alone.

"Hey Alex. What's new?"

"Not as much as is new with you. Are you with Avery?"

"We just finished dinner. Why do you want to talk to her?"

"Actually, I want to talk to both of you."

"Here. You're on speaker."

"Hi, Alex!" Avery said.

"Hi Avery, did Jen mention Memorial Day to you?"

"Just that she's coming home that day. Why?"

The reminder that she was leaving sent a rush of disappointment through him. "That Sunday, there's going to be a party on the beach. I invited Kate, and I wanted to invite you, Tom, and Avery. Megan really wants families."

"Megan! I want to meet Megan. I've only met Peter. Why is it that all guys from Maine are so damn hot?"

"Should I be jealous?" Tom asked.

Alex laughed. "Peter is so happily married, it'll make you sick."

"Don't knock being happy. Maybe you should try it," Tom said.

"Not you too! Listen if you come, you can stay with me unless you'd prefer mom and Hank."

Tom interrupted, "We'll stay with you!"

Marcy had arranged for Alex to meet with a man named, Lucas Sanders. He was a rental agent and had a lot of beach properties. He sat down with him at The Landing late in the afternoon. Alex wanted to find out if he had any homes that may be for sale. He told him about one on The Point. It was right next to Peter's house and would be ideal. It excited him.

"Any more?"

"Not here, but I might have a few at Higgins and possible Camp Ellis."

"Can you let me know, but I'm only interested in ones that need work?"

"You sure, I've got a beauty that's about to go up for sale at Higgins. You could get in in time to enjoy the summer!"

"Thanks, but I already live over there."

Lucas asked which house, and when he told him, he was very interested. "If you ever want to sell, I sell too." He was practically ready to pounce.

Alex knew that his house was worth a lot, but he had paid a lot for it so his profit wouldn't be what one might expect. "Thanks, but I've been with Marcy for years and I'm not about to drop my best girl now." Alex assured him.

Lucas walked out as Megan and Jen were walking in together. Megan was holding Abbie but was without the twins. "Who was that guy? He looks like he was selling something." Megan laughed.

"He may be. What do you know about the house next to you? Do you think they'll sell?"

"The one that Kristi rented sold a few years ago, the other one is Beth's house. No way! She's one of us."

"Who?" Jen asked.

Abbie walked from chair to chair and put her hands up for Alex to pick her up. He lifted her and held her as they continued their conversation.

"You remember Bethany, Rose Howes' granddaughter."

"Oh right. Why did you think she would sell?" Jen asked.

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