Chapter 2| Evil beginnings *Remake*

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Laurance POV

It feels nice to feel the sun on my skin instead of the artificial heat of the Nether. Being in the nether is so tiring. Almost as soon as I got there, I understood how much everyone hated it there.

That's why as soon as I possibly could, I escaped from the nether. It took time and patience, because there is more people in the Nether then you would expect there to be. They have guard watch in front of the Nether portal to make sure nobody enters or exits the Nether. Without my guard training I would have been trapped in there for a lot longer.

But I got out, and I've been alone since. It isn't as lonely as you would think it is, but that's mainly because voices speak in my head. That actually might be bad, but they've been there since I've turned into a Shadow Knight. Sometimes they are nice, but most times they are taunting. They usually tell me I've got to kill somebody, which I refuse to do by the way.

In other words, I kept to myself the past years and a half. I was only in the nether for three months, but because of the time difference, when I came back six months had passed. I wanted to visit Aph when I got back. I wanted to talk to her and hear her voice for the first time in three months, but I couldn't. The voices wouldn't let me after I saw her through the looking glass, which is a mirror that shows you anything you want to see. Aph moved on, she has a growing family of two kids, and an ass of a husband. 

Basically, I don't belong anywhere near her. Not that I ever did, but that never mattered when it came to her. 

I have camps set up around the village. They're close enough to where I can keep in touch with whats happening, but far enough to where they wouldn't be able to see my camps. Being in the Nether really tough you how to be stealthy.

Having said what I did about the camps, I know that Zane has left to go make a trade with Brightport, and the he will be gone for three days. That gave me enough time to execute my sadistic plan that came from the Shadow Knight part of me.

I'm going to murder Zane.

It's a thought that has crossed my mind many times. I know what he does to APhmau, and to her children. I know he makes the village afraid of him, and I don't want him to get away with it anymore.  He makes my Aph sad everyday. No one gets away with that. 

"You sure you don't want my help?" Aaron asks me. I ran into him on one of my camp changes. HE was interested in knowing why I camped outside of Phoenix Drop. I wasn't sure to tell him until he told me his reasoning. I didn't explain in full details, I just told him I wanted Zane dead, and he agreed. 

"I need to do this alone. I need to give him my pay pack." I tell him. I run my hand across my throat, feeling the raised skin from the scar. I still have every cut from his torture, and I plan to give him every cut he gave me.

Now, you may be wondering why I am like this. A cold, revengeful man with a grudge against the man who took my life and love. Other than what I just told you, it's because he is the reason why I had to spend there months (or six months if you want to be complicated) in the Nether, and why I ever meet my father.

Okay the Shadow Lord isn't actually my father, but he took my biological father's body and conscious, so that technically made him my father as long as he's in my fathers body. Does that make since, because it only gets more complicated from here.

My father was an actual Shadow Knight before I was born. He practically worshipped the psycho with his life. When he gave birth to me, the Lord gave him an option. To let him take over his body, or to kill me and become a full Shadow Knight for eternity. Surprisingly enough, my father chose possession, then killed my mom before making me an orphan. That's my life story. 

"Are you traveling by boat?" Aaron asks me. He's eating a piece of stale meat and he keeping his eyes away from mine. Aaron is really weird, like you wouldn't trust him with your kids weird, but at the same time you would. He's been through lot like me, but took things very differently. He closed himself off from all civilization, and mainly keeps to himself in the wilderness. If I had to live out here for the rest of my life, he would be who I stick with.

"Shadows." I say. A quick alternative to traveling. All I have to do is focus on the shadows and where I want to go, and if there are shadows there I be transported. The power is completely useless in the Nether, and energy draining, but in the Overworld it is the best, easiest, and effortless way to travel.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," He said, "bring back a trophy." with that he left to go to wherever he goes when he leaves my camp. I never asked where he goes, or followed. 

I got up to stretch, feeling the voices crawl there way up to the surface. They taunt me, saying how I missed an opportunity to kill him, and to get just one kill closer to immortality. How you turn into a Shadow Knight: A.) Killing the person you care absolute most for (which will never happen) or B.) to kill lots of innocent citizens until you meet your immortality quota. I refuse to do either.

I turn to a tree that casts a shadow over me as I sit in front of it. I focus hard, feeling the power flow through me as I think about Brightport. Before I know it, I'm at the gates of the village. I look through, seeing all the citizens walk around happily without a care in the world.In the distance, I could feel the power of the Nether and the dark it has to me. I ignore it to the best of my abilities, and I focus on why I'm here.

I have a bastard of a ruler to kill.


This chapter was a lot easier to write then I thought it would be. Laurance I on the end of being evil, but still is being plain old Laurance. Aaron isn't going to become the Shadow lord because lets be honest, even if you hated him he doesn't deserve that. 

Anyway, don't forget to like and follow. Comment on how this chapter went, and tell me: DO you ship Aarmau in Mystreet? I do, but mainly because it's an AU.


P.S. not Proofread

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