Chapter 6| Off to Scales Wind

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*Not proofread

Laurance POV

Aphmau wasn't joking when she said she left my room exactly as it was. My armor was in the same spot, leaning against the door frame. My notebook was still on my bedside table. Even my sheets were still sprawled out messily, because I never got into the habit of making my bed.

I didn't know how to take it. Was she so distraught she couldn't handle the thought of getting rid go my old belongings, or was she disgusted by the idea of me she couldn't step foot into this room? 

The lines blurred together I could never tell anymore.

Sometimes when I thought back to the incident on the boat and I thought back to me in the cell bleeding half to death, the only thing my mind Aphmau, I realized I was a coward. I gave in too easily. I should have protected Aphmau, not been Zane's personal punching bag. I could have stopped their marriage, stopped her grief, but I didn't. And I knew she hated me for that, and I knew she was disgusted at me for that.

And that was okay, because I was disgusted at myself for that too.

"Laurance, I'd Like you to meet someone," I heard through the door. I knew that sweet voice from anywhere. "May we come in."

"Sure," I answered. I moved to the bed. I hastily made it up in an attempt to make my room look nicer. I also was never one to really keep my room tidy.

Aphmau walked in with a guard at her side. The first thing I noticed was her  light blue hair. It stood out amongst her pale complexion. Her armor even matched her hair, the silver chains matching the blue leather. She stood to Aphmau's left  and held a nice posture as she waited to be spoken to.

"This is Lady Katelyn, the Jury of Nine guard I spoke of to you," Aphmau said. "Kate, this is Laurance Zvhaul, my former personal guard."

"Former, as in the one that died to Lord Zane's hands?" Katelyn asked. I gave her a weak smile, my eyes landing on Aphmau. I could already tell she's regretting her decision to have Katelyn watch over me. "I've heard a lot about you."

"All good I hope," I said. She only gave a sly smile in response.

Aphmau made weird squeaky sound that would have been adorable in another situation and pointed towards the door. "I'm going to finish packing. Why don't you two get to know each other better."

She left, and Katelyn and I had a stare off.

"You broke her heart, you know that? She's had restless nights where she's cried in your name, and you have the audacity to show up and act like nothing is wrong," she made the accusation so easily that I believed it. I really did, but I felt like I needed to defend myself. Even if it was true. It was the stubborn in me.

"Do you think I want to be here?" I started. "I'm here for Aphmau, because she asked for me to be here. Not the other way around. If it were up to me, I'd be as far away from here as possible to keep Aphmau and her children safe."

"What does Aphmau mean to you?" Katelyn asked. "I mean, Zane was willing to kill you to get her for himself. I have to protect you from him for Aphmau."

"I don't know what I am to her anymore," I answered honestly. "But I love her with everything I have. And I'll protect her with my life."

"You already failed at that once," Katelyn said, and I felt heat start to raise deep within me. I was getting angry. She was right again. I had failed, and I will fail again, but I will protect Aphmau with my entire life again if I had too.

"Lets hope it doesn't happen again."

"And when it does," she said. it wasn't a question, it was a statement. She was positive it would. The fire in me grew brighter, the voices grew louder, the desire for blood grew stronger, but I ignored it and gave her a weak smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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