Chapter 5| Journey's Await

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Laurance POV

Phoenix Drop seemed to hold a new feeling as I walked around. There was more people, more laughter. It was loud and busy, extremely different from the occasional hello her and there from the few Phoenix Drop residents. Since Aphmau's marriage, Phoenix Drop prospered.

"If you want, you can do back to your old room to retrieve your old things," Aphmau said. Her words surprised me, because I wasn't't aware that she kept my belongings in her house. I never saw her around and of it in the looking glass.

"Yeah, I can take them somewhere else," I told her. I don't know where yet, but my belongings must of been a burden for her these last few years. 

"How about we go get them now?"She asked. I keep my disappointment inside and nod my head at her. It sounded like she wanted me out of there as fast as possible.

The only problem I was facing right now was my urge kill everyone who walked past me. It sadly was a personality trait most ShadowKnight's possessed. I had to physically stop myself from jumping and killing them in very grotesque and horrific ways.

That was only on of the reasons why I kept myself away from Aphmau and her village. I am literally putting them all at risk by being here, but Aphmau wanted me to come so badly. The only reason why I agreed was because of the fact that I hadn't seen her since I died. I still loved her with all of my heart, even if I can't admit it out loud anymore.

And now she was taking me to her home. A home that could potentially have a nanny and two children in it. I really hope they wouldn't be there. To not kill them and so I could talk to Aphmau for a bit.

Her house changed along with Phoenix Drop. It was entirely purple now with some checkered board white in it. It was extremely cute in an Kawaii~Chan kind of way. I wonder if Kawaii redid her house?

"Nice Playground. Didn't know you were into that kind of stuff." I said like I wasn't aware of her two children who looked through the window in fascination me. I could admit I already knew about them because then I would look like a stalker. I don't want Aphmau to see me as a stalker.

"Actually there for my two adoptive kids. They love to play outside," She looks at me with a set smile, "Anyway, I have a surprise for you."

"You do?" I asked. There was no way she could have gotten me anything so fast. The would be like saying she had magic powers. Just them someone with extremely orange hair ran out go the house in my direction. It took me less than a second to realize who it was.

"Cadenza!" I exclaim just before she jumped into my arms. I hug her tight while telling off any voice that told me to kill her. I hadn't seen her since I was exiled from the village. She was the second person I missed the most since I died.

"Where have you been you dork? I've been looking all over Ru'aun for you, and the one day I decide to take a day off you come wandering in for a quick visit." Cadenza smacked me in the back of my head during her rant.

"In my defense, I was exiled out of the village."

"So, I expected you to sty close so we could still talk. You went across the whole region!" She smacked me in the back of the head again.

"Look, if I knew it was going to be that important I wouldn't of stepped two feet from the gates of Meteli." I exclaimed while trying to protect. Cadenza stopped smacking me and look at my neck, then my exposed arms, "What happened to you Laurance?"

"I'll explain it to you later."

"I want to know now!" Cadenza had an expression on her face that left no argument. 

"We have other things to talk about Cadenza. We have a voyage we need to prepare for. How about you two talk about it on the boat ride to Scaleswind?" Aphmau said. She gave me a side eye look with a slight smile. I was happy she looked out for me, but also worried. Cadenza was persistent. I would have to tell her what happened whether I liked it or not.

And the fact the I was going to be stuck on a boat with others was unsettling. For like the fifth mention people aren't my thing right now. Being alone in depressing silences. The voices only became louder when I'm around people. They tend to leave me alone when I'm be myself.

"Aphmau, is there somewhere I can talk to you alone?" I asked. If I wanted to get out of this I would have to talk to her. There was no avoiding it. She needs to know at least a bit of who I am now if I wanted her to understand.

"Yeah of course," she said before Cadenza could burst something out, "We can go to my room. Cadenza watch the kids please, and stay out here while we talk." Aphmau hesitantly turned into the house. I watched Cadenza point before gesturing for the two kids to come outside. Levin happily listened but Malachi looked at me suspiciously.

"You know she cries about you?" He said before Cadenza grabbed him. My mind froze at his words before I walked into the house to Aphmau's room. The huge gaping wall was fixed and replaced with what I could only guess is Levin and Malachi's room. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Aphmau asked me the moment I walked into the room. I sighed and swallowed any uncertainty that would stop me from telling her the truth.

"When I did something happened." I start. Aphmau gives me all of her attention. Her caramel brown doe eyes looked at me expecting answers. It made me hesitant to say my next words, "I-um, I'm not the same."

"Care to explain?" She joked. I sighed in before answering.

"Some one saved me and gave me a second chance, but I didn't know the price. I'm not the same, I'm more dangerous to be around than ever." I try to explain. I didn't want to throw the word ShadowKnight out into the opened, it seemed to harsh in the situation. 

"Laurance what really happened?" Aphmau asked me. I looked away from her, embarrassment contorted on my face.

"I'm not ready to tell you everything, but please understand me when I say I can't go on this trip with you." I tied to say. It hurt a lot. The first opportunity to be with APhmau and I had to give it up.

"I want to help you Laurance. Let me try please." She said. I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall. I want to give in, I need to give in for my own sanity, but I would be putting everyone in danger. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered. Aphmau stood to her feet and made her way to me. He arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a tight embrace. I gave into her warmth.

"Can I make a compromise?" She asked quietly.


"I have a guard who is part of the Jury of Nine. she can come along, and if anything goes wrong she can stop you. She has an insane punch." She explained. 

"I don't know if that would be good enough." I reasoned. I didn't want to take any chances, but I don't want to let Aphmau down either.

"I trust her and I trust you. Everything will be fine Laurance. We'll be able to properly catch up and you and meet my kids. And Kawaii~Chan and her husband are going too. So many people you can catch up with."

"Yeah, that would be nice." I croaked out. I let myself get lost in her warmth and agreed to go. I know I probably made a huge mistake, but hw could I say no when Aphmau was hugging me? I would just have to regret it later.


Merry F-ing Xmas dudes. Another chapter for the devote ones as my Christmas gift. enjoy, it took me a while to remember where I wanted this story to go.

Anyway, Christmas was fun for me. Comment hw your's was. I got a MacBook Air which I am currently typing on. I also got twenty-one pilot tickets. It was really only those two those cause it was really expensive. 

Don't forget to like and follow. Got onto my fan fiction page at BlackKoala and read my story Coincidences. I try to update as much as possible.


P.S. not Proofread

The light In my darkness-laurmau FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang