Chapter 4| The Long Awaited Reunion

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Laurance POV

I always imagined reuniting with Aphmau. It had to be in some bullshit cliche way, like in a flower field or something. I would say 'Do you know how long I've waited for you?' and she would say 'Not as long as I waited for you' and then we'd kiss and make up and everything would be right in the world again.

Aphmau waiting for me by campfire with Aaron isn't what I expected. Especially after I just killed her husband. Even if Aph didn't love the guy, they still were bounded by a kiss. as revolting as it sounds, she has to be devoted to him no matter what.

As I said, I wasn't expecting her by my campfire. You can imagine all the butterflies in my stomach at the sight of my angel. She still looked like she was seventeen but she was two years older now. In a few months she'll be twenty. 

In those two years she made her own family. Even with Zane a part of that said family. I have no place in her life anymore. It made my heart break.

I looked in her caramel brown eyes. She looks as shocked as I feel. I almost had the nerve to run away and act like we never ran into each other. Then I would sulk around for all of eternity. Actually that doesn't sound bad...

"Laurance? Is that really you?" Aphmau asks. She takes a step forward and extends her hand to touch my cheek. I force myself to stay still to feel the comforting contact. "When Cadenza said she saw bandit camps along the wall, I thought I would have to fight some assholes. Then I talked to that Aaron guy and he told me about you."

I look down at my feet as she explained her piece. She sounds so hopeful. She's going to ask me to go back with her, I know it. As happy as I am to accept the offer, I'm still afraid of what could happen if I allow myself to get to close to her again.

"Go back Aph." I whisper to her. Her eyes widen in confusion. She takes a step closer to me so our eyes can meet. They hold a sadness I want to take away.

"Laurance, I just spent two years thinking you were dead. In what world do you think I would allow you to leave me again?" She asks me. I hold back a smile.

"Can it be this one?" I ask her. She gives me a pointed look before shaking her head. I chuckle at her. She really hadn't changed that much, still defiant and kind.

"I want you to come to the village and meet everyone again, and for you to reunite with your sister. She is the one who lead me here in the first place." Aphmau says. She looks back at Aaron and smiles, "if you want sanctuary as well, you are welcomed to tag along."

"That doesn't sound to bad." Aaron says. He rises to his feet and nodded at me. "We should pack up our camps."

"Yeah..." I trail off. I look back at Aphmau. Her gaze was still on Aaron as they discuss when he'll be ready to meet at the gate walls. She so amazing, too amazing. After what I've become how could we ever be anything more than friends? 

"I'll leave you two to talk." Aaron says. He leaves Aphmau and I alone. She looks at me and smiles. I couldn't hold back my smile anymore. It was so wide my cheeks were starting to hurt.

"I really missed you." I admit to her. 

"I missed you too. After what happened on the boat nothing was the same anymore." She says. She looks at my neck and frowns, "how did you survive the boat?"

"It's complicated." I tell her. She sits on one of the campfire logs and looks up at me expectantly. I stiffen. I'm not ready to tell her yet. "It really is."

"Is it that bad you can' tell me?" She asks. I nod my head. If she knew I was a Shadow Knight she would never want to be around me. I have to keep this secret to protect her.

"I can't go to back to Phoenix Drop Aphmau. I have people after me that are dangerous and vengeful and will stop at nothing to make sure I'm gone." I explain to her. The other thing about escaping the Nether, Shadow Knights are never happy when you do. They hunt to down until they can get you back and kill you.

"What could you have done that has people on your tail like that?" I don't respond, "Laurance we can help you."

"No you can't Aph." I say, "This are strong people. They will destroy Phoenix Drop if a take one step in the village. If they catch word I'm here, everyone is as good as dead."

"How about this," Aphmau starts, "In a few days Cadenza and my family will be traveling to Scaleswind to attend a wedding. They need Zane for the ceremony, so we'll be meeting him there. If we get there before him and find you a hotel room, we can talk about this problem you have."

"That is not a good idea." I tell her. She doesn't know of his death yet. when she finds out and starts to wonder how I only came back once he was dead, well that's just to suspicious.

"Why not? As long as you not in the same hotel as Zane you'll be fine. He would most likely only come out to give the ceremony then confine himself back into the hotel room. You'll be fine." She explains. I try to interject but she cuts me off, "I want to help you Laurance. Let me help you for once."

"Fine," I give in. I'm going to hate myself after this. I know it. I look her in the eyes and give her a weak smile. "Fine."

"Good, I want you to meet Malachi and Levin anyway." She says. She stands up to dust of her bottom and looks at the campfire, "I'll help you clean up, then we can go to the village."

"Aphmau I already told you-"

"And I already told you I'm not letting you go through this alone!" She exclaims, "Help me clean up." I somberly do as I am told. 

As much as I missed Aphmau, I don't want my demons to catch up to me. I'll end up messing up somehow, and before I know it Phoenix Drop will be burned to the ground and Aph will be gone. I can't take that chance.

But what choice do I have?


I was gone for how long?

Good news, Nanowrimo is over and I actually have time to write out my fan fictions now. I'm excited to finish this one. So many important characters are going to emerge out of this story, and there will actually be different character dialogue. I struggled adding anyone other than Laurance and Aphmau in my older remake. 

Anyway, don't forget to like and comment. Tell me about your thanksgiving. Was it good?

Follow my account, I have some original stories posted on there, though none are actually completed yet ;P

Go onto Fanfiction.Net and read my Austin and Ally fan fiction 'Coincidences'. My user  is BlackKoala and like this story I will try to update Coincidences on the weekends.

Also I might have an actual novel published in book stores or online soon. If my book is ever published, I will inform you guys. It is a hardcore young adult fantasy book that I worked really hard on writing. It really shows my development on my writing adventure.


P.S. not Proofread

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