Iyana: Some people cross your path, change your whole direction. ~unknown

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Fast forward 26 days

My day usually starts at 6.30 am. I am done with breakfast by 7.30 and I hit the library religiously by 8. And I study.

I am posted in Surgery now. It is the coolest subject forever. But I am a hundred and one percent sure, I am not good with scalpels and scissors, this, even if you pay me for. The rounds start at about 10 am and goes on until 1 and it's lunch time.

It was like any other day in the library at 1 in the afternoon. It's the best time in the library. There is hardly anyone at the library. The sun was brighter. The pigeons were more noisier. The librarian too snoopy. My friends happier. Everything was so vibrant. And the sound of my pen scratching the paper.

It was then that, time stopped for me.
If you asked me two minutes before that if I believe in love at first sight, I would have laughed on your face. I would still laugh. Because it was not love, but, I felt something, something so unfamiliar to a person more unfamiliar. A stranger.
Him. A pale blue button down shirt. White coat hanging from his burly elbows. With a face that looked as shrewd as a snake, as brave as a lion, as clever as a fox, while at the same time, as calm as a millpond. And a black steth elegantly hanging down his shoulders. He looked everything like what I have always felt for a doctor should look like. A doctor who would definitely have his own fan clubs. A doctor that just walked off a movie. Or maybe Gray's Anatomy.
Woah. I must really be looking like a dimwit drooling. I quickly look down and try to gather my thoughts.

He places two fat medicine textbooks on the table and begins reading one of them. He doesn't look at me. He doesn't know what just went through me.

He is lost in his textbook, while I am still struggling to deal with what I just felt.

I log onto Facebook as a distraction, when I see this quote that I would never ever forget. Serendipity much?

*Some people cross your path, change your whole direction.* ~unknown

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