7. Support

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Stiles's POV

I watched dad choked his own drink and stare at me in confused and give weird look... "excuse me? What did you just say?" He asked making sure if I'm telling the truth, "are you really?"
"Yes dad I am." I said he raise his eyebrows, "Deaton say male can get pregnant." I added he seem shocked.
"If you say so then who is the father?" He asked I wish he didn't ask that...
"Either us." Derek said point to himself and Scott, dad seem more confused.
"I'm confused right now, but which one of you is it?" He asked, we all sighed.
We told my dad that I slept with Derek and Scott on same night but not all together... my dad is shocked again.
"Just let me think about it... goodnight guys." Dad said rub his face and walk upstairs... Derek and Scott look at me.
"Well, thank for coming but I should be going to bed now." I said they nodded and leave the house before I locked the door and went upstairs and lay, sleep.


Next day...

I yawned and sit up but I jump back when I saw Derek and Scott smiling on my bed. "How did you get in?" I asked.
"Window." They said same times, of course it always has to be window.
"Can I help you?" I asked, "to talk." They said same times again, creepy.
"About what?" I asked they look at each other and nodded then look at me.
"Feeling." They said, I frown, "for you." They said, I think I might know what they talking about but I wish it's not.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"We have feeling for you, as in..." Derek paused, "love." Scott added, I blink.
"I know having two boyfriend might be weird for you but we just saying that we've feeling." Derek said then I heard my dad scream... "STILES! BREAKFAST!" I sighed and got out of bed, "I must go before he scream again." I said they nodded in understandable, "talk to you later."

I walk in kitchen room and sat down.
"Hey son... listen, about yesterday." He said sighed, "no it's okay, I get it. You were in shocked." I said he smile.
"I'm just saying that I always love you, I will support you." He said I smile and hugged him tightly, "thank you dad."
I sat down and eat my breakfast but I stopped for a minute... "you're not going to throw up are you?" He asked.
"No no no I'm just... thinking." I said.
"About what?" He asked grab his coffee and drink it, "Derek and Scott." I said.
"What about them?" He asked put coffee down and eat some of breakfast.
"They told me that they like me..." I said, he nodded slowly, "as in love."
"Oh..." he said I nodded slowly, "if you're worried about me thinking it weird to have a son dating two guys, just don't. If you're happy then I'm happy." He said I smile and thanked him. "You're the best dad." I said.
"Why thank you son." He said I smile, "if you want to tell them like right now then just go, don't worry about me."
"Thank you." I said leave the house.


I arrived at Scott's house, I knock on the door and there door open, Scott stood there seem surprised to see me.
"Stiles? What are you doing here?" He asked, "want to talk." I said he nodded and let me in but I was surprised to see Derek is here too in living room.
"You don't mind if Derek is here?" Scott asked, "actually I want to talk to both of you two." I said they nodded.
I sat down in front of them in living room, "is this about this morning what we been said?" Scott asked I nodded.
"Yeah... I do have feeling too, fro you two." I said they seem surprised, "I know I haven't said anything but I thought I just leave it and ignored." They nodded, "I told dad about it and he was fine as long I'm happy." They smile and sat on my both sides.
"So... are we... like dating now?" They asked, "if you want to." I said they smile and kissed on my both cheek.

Who Is The Real Father? | Teen Wolf Fanfic (Mpreg) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now