Chapter 1 Vis Danjour

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I woke up in a bed with a rock-hard mattress. It was uncomfortable, I was just waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. My legs and head hurt so bad, I could hardly bear it. Then it hit me. Where was I? Then I heard a voice "Oh, you're awake!" It was definitely a female, that made me feel a little bit more comfortable. Then a light turned on, it was dim, but enough for me to see that she was fairly short with long black hair, had pale skin, and had a white mask.

"What's your name, dear..?" She said as she sat down in a chair next to the bed. It took me a second to remember my name, but then I remembered. "My name is Vis, Vis Danjour." I looked around the room, there were pages with circles and x's on them, a little weird but not as weird as my house. "Interesting name.." she said, pausing. "My name is Jane." All of a sudden the door swung open. It scared me but not that much.

Then a tall man with a black suit and red tie stepped in. He had no face.. It was just blank. His skin was bleach white, I wasn't even sure if it was skin or not. I'd like to say he was about 8 ft 5, I wasn't really sure about that either, it was hard to tell, okay? "Hello Vis, nice to see you're finally awake," emphasis on the finally, "you may take a shower and get dressed, then Jane will escort you to the dining room, I'm SlenderMan by the way but just call me Slender or Slendy." With that, he left for the door.

After my shower Jane brought me to the dining room. There were about 8 people already sitting down, including Slender. I sat next to Jane because I didn't know anybody here besides Jane and Slender, obviously. "So Vis, what are you..?" asked Slender. "Well I'm a mix between a devil and something else.." I replied. "How do you not even know what you are?" said a guy with messy-long black hair and a white hoodie.

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