Chapter 14 Valentine's Day

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All I heard for this day was 'will you be my valentine?' from almost everybody. I only wanted one person to be my Valentine. Before I could ask him, he asked me "Will you be my Valentine?" Slendy said with a sweet voice. "Of course I will!" He handed me a one of a kind Moon-Flower. I gasped, it glowed a vibrant blue with pedals that looked transparent, and it had a mini scroll sticking out of the top of it. The scroll said Happy Valentines Day, if you are receiving this flower then it means you are my Valentine, I hope Vis Danjour is the one reading this <3 From yours truly.. ~Slendy, love you :) "Awwwww, thank you! I love you too!" I hugged and kissed him. "Do you know the song Dance With The Devil..? I never knew that song could have a literal meaning.." I was confused as to what he was trying to say. "Would you like to dance..?"

Offender's POV

       I had no Valentine this year, it was surprising! I usually do every year. I hadn't asked anybody because I guess I just wanted to be chill this year. Plus Jeff asked Jane, so he has a Valentine. I sighed and stood up from the porch steps. "Even Slender has an effing Valentine, and I don't!" I murmured to myself. Nobody here was really into me anyway.. WAIT- I mean I could ask Papyrus.. But he has a crush on me and.. UGH, just do it, Offender!

     I pulled out my phone and called Papyrus, surprisingly he answered. "Oh hey, Papyrus..!" I had to sound excited. "Hey Offender, this is the first time you've ever called me!" Yeah, it's the first and probably last time I call Papyrus, don't be surprised. "So uh.. I was thinking.. I don't have a Valentine yet this year and uh.." This was so fu**ing awkward. "Sure, I'll be your Valentine, Offender!" I'm dead inside like Slendy now.. Why did I not expect him to say 'yes' or something that makes him MY Valentine. "Well, just come to the mansion then.."

Papyrus's POV

       Offender just called! And now I'm his Valentine!  I picked up a pillow and screamed. "AHHhHhHhHhHhHHHhHHhHhHHHHhHrEeEEEEEeEEEE!" Oops, a little loud.. (That's what she said) "Papyrus, what the eff is that awful sound..?" Oh sh.. Sans was in the next room.. FU- "..." He just stood in the doorway. "Uh.. Offender asked me to be his Valentine.." Sans gave me the what the actual eff face and left. :|

Sally's POV

       I wanted a Valentine.. Splendy wants one too, plus just because someone is your Valentine doesn't mean you have to date them or be dating them! "Splendy, will you be my Vawentine..?" I had my cute voice. "Oh course, Sally!" :D

Vis's POV

       After me and Slendy's dance, where I stepped on his foot about 7 times, we went back to the pond, which was reflecting the full moon. It was even more beautiful at night. <3

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