Chapter 19 Eating Habits

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       I had been sitting by Slendy's side since he got hurt, but now that he recovered from his injury, I didn't have to. In fact, I was kind of hungry, I'd been sitting in this chair next to the bed for about 3 days. I was about to tell Slendy I was gonna grab something to eat, when I realized he was sleeping. Trying to be quiet while sneaking out was a challenge, I had to avoid all the laundry baskets, step over the creaky floorboard, and not get stabbed by the corner of the nightstand, then slowly open the door. He didn't wake up, GOAL ACHIEVED! Before entering the kitchen, I prayed for there not to be anything dirty happening like last time, and the time before that, and the time before THAT, surprisingly there wasn't. So, we each had our own cabinets for our own food, except me, I'd usually raid Slendy's cabinet anyway. Damnit, I couldn't reach it, so I climbed onto the counter and opened the cabinet. Holy shit.. I can see why we each have our separate cabinets now.. SLENDY HAS A DARK SECRET! He eats all kinds of junk food XD! He had fuggin' popcorn, ice cream, marshmallows, chocolate, peanut butter cups, you name it, cause' I named it Heaven!! I'm a well known chocoholic, so I went straight for the chocolate. I also found out that climbing on counters in dangerous because I slipped, my leg got caught on one of the handles of the ones below, then I bent back and was hanging upside down. F***! I didn't let go of the chocolate though, and that's all that matters. Then I heard footsteps, oh jesus.. Offender was coming down the hallway. I shut my eyes tightly, when I opened them, I saw Slendy in the doorway. "Help..T-T" He straight up looked at me and laughed. BRUH. He walked over to me and helped me fix whatever this was. He looked at the chocolate then looked in his cabinet. I couldn't help a slight smile. "Well, I'm gonna go chill by the pool.." I speed walked away, dying of laughter.

The pool had a thin layer of ice across the top of it. I had finished all the chocolate without knowing it and accidentally bit my finger. I tried to shake it off, didn't work, I put my hand in the pool, it felt good. (That's what she said) Slendy came outside and sat next to me by the pool. "I was gonna eat that :|" he said awkwardly. "Since when do you eat junk food..?" I said as a joke. "Since I figured out that I can't get fat no matter what." Well damn, you're lucky -_- "How'd did you find that out..?" I smirked at him. "Uhhhh.. I ate an entire f***ing cake.." Since he was right next to me right now, I pushed him into the pool, but he took me with him. "Try me." When I hit the cold water, it wasn't that COLD, it was fuggin' freezing! Slendy thought so too, cause' when he tried to escape the pool, I grabbed his leg and pulled him back in. He bellyflopped into the pool, OUCH! When he surfaced again he gave me the 'you wanna go?' look. I smiled and he splashed me in the face with water, so I did it back.

       We ended up chasing each other around the pool for about 7 minutes, then Splendy came outside. He ran at me and Slendy and jumped into the pool. "AHHHHHHH! WHY IS IT SO FREAKING COLD?!?!" Me and Slendy both laughed at his stupidity. Splendy splashed us with water because we were laughing at him, then quickly climbed out of the pool. "Go get Offender!" I whispered to Splendy. "Can't, he's hanging out with Papyrus, and not in a inappropriate way." I looked at Slendy and he looked at me "Are you sure Papyrus can't do anything with Offender either way he is a skeleton..?"

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