Chapter 8 TrenderMan or TinderMan

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After dinner with the Undertale peeps, we tried to get them out of the house but Papyrus stole Offender's hat, so Offender chased him around the house for an hour. It was funny but also weird.. Papyrus x OffenderMan is not something that should exist.

When they finally went home, we were all tired a f. Slendy wanted Offender out of the house for some odd reason, so he locked him outside. "Bruh.. Let me the f*** in!" (That's what he said XD)

"So what did you have in mind for.." Slendy looked for the right words "tonight..?"

Morning came, headache, barf, eat, headache, barf, eat, stomachache. "You're going to need this," Jane passed me a pregnancy test once again. I glared at her. NOT AGAIN. Well the baby came quicker this time, it looked like Shaymus but the girl version of him, we named her Azura. They were basically twins but Azura had white hair instead of black. Splendy was happy, he loves babies and kids and cute things. Offender was disgusted, he didn't like that Slendy was the father and he wasn't.

"Hey guys, Trender is coming over for the day!" yelled Splendy. "Uhh, who's that..?" I asked, confused. I thought I knew everybody here. "Another one of my stupid younger brothers.." Slendy growled. WOW. Wait how old is Slendy? I don't want to know..

So when this so called Trender guy showed up, he was being a sassy little b****. He was all about fashion too, judging everybody's outfits. He said I'd look better in a kind of short, black, shoulder less dress. Not gonna lie, he was right, even Offender agreed, then again he agrees to almost everything that has to do with me. But I don't get one thing.. He knows what everybody will or would look good in, but he is wearing an ugly ass brown sweater and glasses when he doesn't even have eyes! How ndoes that even work?!

 He knows what everybody will or would look good in, but he is wearing an ugly ass brown sweater and glasses when he doesn't even have eyes! How ndoes that even work?!

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        Well I speak my mind sometimes, so Trender left. Then after everybody went to sleep, only me in Slendy were awake. Slendy asked me if I wanted to head to the roof "sure!" I had said. Slendy led me to the roof where a small table (Prepare for cringe, but trust me, I've heard things more cringy than this..) and candle awaited us. He said Offender had helped him with this. So technically he was too scared to ask me on a date so he had Offender help him with an idea for something like this.

       We had pleasant conversations with each other and talked about his proxies. Then Slendy perked up as if he remembered something. "Are you interested in music..?" He said with a tiny bit of excitement creeping into his voice. "Yes, my favorite song is Perfect by Ed Sheeran." What had Slendy and Offender planned? "Well would you.. Uh.." he chuckled, "would you mind if I sang that song for you?" (COUGH cringe COUGH)

       Slendy actually had a great singing voice, it surprised me. We had a good night though, NOTHING DIRTY HAPPENED. Offender was all over us when we woke up though, so many questions flooded into my brain as soon as I walked out of the bedroom. "So, did anything FUN happen last night? What'd you two do yesterday night?? What happened!? What song did he sing?!" All the questions came out of Offender's big mouth too. He was so nosy when it came to love. Can't he be nosy somewhere else when it comes to love? (Get it?)

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