Chapter 2 Spin The Bottle

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"Don't mind Jeff, he's a jerk.. Most the time.." Jane said, immediately. I'm not the type that doesn't fight back, so I talked back to Jeff. "At least I know part of what I am!" I realized I was kind of leaning on the table towards him, so I sat back down quickly. I was very embarrassed, I could also tell my face was red. "Well damn." Jeff said as his carved smile face turned a little red. "Vis, I have a question." said a another guy from further down the table. Before I could say anything Slender said "Offender, you are no longer allowed to ask girls any WEIRD questions, so be careful what you say." Offender took no time to reply to that "Well never mind then.." Offender, what a weird name for anybody. No offense to him though. (Oh, accidental pun about Offender XD)

   After dinner I just stood in the corner. I didn't really want to sit anywhere because this wasn't my house. Then my legs got a stabbing pain randomly. So I rushed to the bathroom, I must have looked pretty stupid because even Jane looked over at me. I hadn't payed attention earlier when I was getting dressed, so I pulled up my pant leg. I had black and blue bruises and cuts all up my legs. I knew who did it, I just don't want to think about them. (Yeah that's right, no spoilers ;) I looked in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. My navy blue hair was still covering my left eye, so only my blue eye was able to be seen.

        When I went back out, Jeff was chugging a bottle of beer

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        When I went back out, Jeff was chugging a bottle of beer. Why does that not surprise me..? "Hey guys, let's play spin the bottle!" I'm pretty sure Offender was the one that said that. I had never played spin the bottle, but it would be a new experience. Maybe even a fun experience. So I agreed. Pretty soon everybody from the dinner table was playing. Jeff ended up kissing Jane, I didn't approve. Then it was my turn. I was nervous and blushing. Who would it land on..? Will it at least land on a boy..? Will they act weird with me in the closet..?! I wish I could predict the future.. I spun the bottle so fast it took a minute just for it to slow down. I could feel my face getting really hot. I wanted to die at this moment only because of who it landed on.

"Shit.." muttered Slendy. I blushed so hard that it hurt. He was blushing too but I'm guessing only of embarrassment. Everybody else started dying of laughter except me, Jane, and Slendy- Wait.. Did I just call him Slendy..? Well that's new. "Awwwww, you guys are so cute together already!!" Yelled the person with a smiley face and a polka-dot suit. "OH HELL NAH!!" (First of all.. Offender, we have the same personality except I don't flirt everybody, we also have the same boots. OOF) Offender said "they aren't even dating!" Everybody was staring at those two, but when they turned back to me and Slendy all of them said at once "DO IT!" This was the worst day of my life, but for some odd reason it felt kinda good. I guess you could say Slendy was nice. (Unless your name happens to be OffenderMan XD)

I went into the closet with Slendy. "Can we please just fake the kiss..?" I whispered very lightly. "It wouldn't be fair if we did that, sorry Vis.." The next thing he did as unexpected.

He leaned in so fast that I didn't have time to react to it until we were already into it. (What is wrong with me.. T-T)

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