Chapter 17 Kidnapped

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        I looked around frantically, was it Slendy trying to scare me..? I hid behind a tree, I slowly poked my head out. Zalgo was right in my fac- ZALGO?! He pushed me up against a tree "Hey little, sister..!" He said with a smirk. "I'm glad I found you.." He growled as he pushed his claws into my wrists. "So, where have you been for over a year..?" He asked with a smug smirk and a tiny bit of confusion in his voice. "W-with none of you business!" I spat in his face. He slapped me across the face with his tail, it burned like Hell, where he came from.. "Tell me or else.." He threatened. "I've got nothing to lose!" He started carving a star with a circle around it on one of my wrists. I could feel my powers draining, though I dare not use them on him. "Tell me now, Vis!" He froze. Oh sh**. He noticed the ring. "So.. What's his name?" I could try to stall, I guess. "It's not a him!" That wasn't exactly a lie. "Wait, you're a lesbian..?" He said as he gave me a disgusted look. "So you don't know..?" I said to him, trying to sound really confused, hopefully this was convincing.. "Okay, so you're either a lesbian, or you're dating TransgenderMan." (TRANSGENDERMAN XD Sorry, not sorry but my friend made a joke, oh and dude.. If you're reading this, POST A FLIPPIN' COMMENT! Also, buddy, forget the OffenderMan costume I wore once.. :|) "Well actually, I'm dating TransgenderMan's brother.." I said with an evil glare and smile. "OffenderMan..?" My stare turned into a death stare "OH HELLLLLLLL NAH!"I screamed at him, I'd never date Offender.. "Who then?!" I let him wait at least 5 seconds. "SlenderMan." He looked at me, his eyes were filled with rage.. And then I passed out.

SlenderMan's POV

Before Vis could wake up, I guess I just needed a normal morning walk. I wanted a break from the mansion and everybody in it, I mean it would have been nice if Vis came along, but I still just wanted to enjoy nature. I guess it was time to head back to the mansion. I got up from the Rock and started walking back.

Halfway back to the mansion, I saw some blood on the ground near a tree. I got down on one knee, dipped my hand in the blood, and tried to identify it, but I couldn't. Strange.. I wiped the blood in the grass and continued walking. Maybe when I got back I'd offer to walk in the woods with Vis or something to make her happy because now I owe her. I owe her because I left her alone with Offender, and not just Offender, but everybody in the house.

When I got back, I couldn't find Vis. "Hey, Offender, you didn't do anything, did you..? Cause' I can't find Vis.." He looked at me without a smile "She went looking for you, I guess she couldn't find you either." Oh sh**.. Zalgo..

Vis's POV

When I woke up, my head was throbbing, but the rest of me was numb. Isn't this how you feel when you're drunk..? I tried to get up and realized I was already up, just chained to the wall. Usually I'd be able to break chains, what kinds of chains were these? And where am I? What happened?! The door slowly creaked open, it hurt my ears, plus, I've heard that door before somewhere. Some guy with red (When I was writing the beginning of this sentence, I got the feeling I've written this before, forgot the word for it though) hair and black clothes walked in. "So you're awake Mrs. SlenderMan.." It was Zalgo, I strained against the chains, trying to get away from him. "So tell me what else happened with you and Slender, and maybe even Offender.." He smirked again.

Slender's POV

I ran in the direction of Zalgo's castle. I swear, if he had her, he was DEAD. Well, actually he was dead anyway, nobody liked him and he used to treat Vis like a slave.

       When I got there, I had to teleport inside, he had demon and zombie guards, and I didn't want to alert them. He had like 50 f***ing hallways, wtaf! I found the hallway with the secret staircase, I could hear screaming, Vis's screaming.

Vis's POV

       I screamed at the top of my lungs; 1 because I was getting stabbed and cut, 2 because I hoped somebody would hear me. "Are you gonna stay here with me, or go back to Slendy..?" Before I could answer I saw.. (Cliff hanger!!!)

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