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wow i really write so much when i get bored i'm dead. also i'm in the middle of writing this chapter and it might be a little longer than usual, idk how long my chapters take to read - so please let me know - because I usually go off of word count. for most chapters I like to keep it at about 1000 words, but this chapter has about 1500 so just let me know if that's too much or too little, all the love - please enjoy! -Kay

louis' pov

I woke up and looked over at the clock, it was 7:30 pm already, the fireworks of the festival - the most important part of the night - would start at 8:30, and we were already late to the beginning of the fest. I stood up from my couch where I had fallen asleep and started yelling at Cam, who was on the other couch. We had once again this week, fallen asleep watching old sitcoms and eating snacks. He woke up in complete disarray, "Wait it's Friday?" He asked.

"Yes, dumbass. Now get up, we overslept." I said, laughing a bit to take away the harshness of it all.

"Oh, damn." He sat up and slowly looked at his watch. "I can just wear this." He motioned to the blue jeans and white t shirt he was already wearing. He reached over to the sunglasses that were sitting next to him on the table and slid them on over his eyes. "It's all good."

I looked down at my outfit and saw that I had only put on grey sweatpants and dark blue t shirt before I had fallen asleep with my hand in a bowl of popcorn, like a child. "I'll be 2 minutes at the most, go start the car." I said to him and tossed him my keys, rushing up the stairs to grab my wallet and traded in my grey, baggy, sweatpants for more appropriate black skinny jeans. They were all I typically wore, but who would it hurt? I wasn't going to this festival to impress anyone special.

I heard my loud car start outside. I slid my black and white Adidas gym shoes on and walked back down the stairs. I made sure my wallet and phone were both in my pockets, check and check, then walked out the door, locking it behind me.

On the way to the festival, which was only a 5 minute drive from where Cam and I lived, we listened to loud, loud music, in order to get us more awake. We played just the most obnoxious rap music you could find on Apple Music and played it at top volume. My eyes immediately opened widely as Cam began to play the loud music, but I continued to drive, and decided not to fight it.

As we arrived, it was still daylight. It didn't look like it was incredibly packed just yet, but we knew the amount of people here would double, maybe event triple within the hour. We found a halfway decent parking spot, thank god. And as I locked my car behind us, we crossed the busy road and walked into the doors of the community park, where the festival was being held.

The moment we walked into the park, the first thing Cam said was, "Booze?" I turned to look at him and said, "Do you have your wallet?"

He grabbed his own ass, checking to see if it was in th epocket of his jeans, then looked down a bit. "Ya know, it might have slipped my mind." He said.

I laughed a bit. "I gotcha, but you owe me."

"As soon a we home tonight, just take my wallet." He smiled.

I nodded and looked around, looking for a stand with alcohol at it, but Cam found it first. "There." he point somewhere to the left and grabbed my arm, leading me.

"Jeez, take me on a date first." I joked.

"Oh, shutup."

We stood in the line in front of the stand that was conviniently labeled, BOOZE. When it was finally our turn to order, we just got two beers. One for each of us was more than enough right now. I was driving and Cam could wait to be hammered until the fireworks started. I handed the buff, bearded, man with sunglasses $15 cash, festival drinks could be so expensive, and told him to keep the change, as it would have been only a few cents.

We walked around the festival, Cam looking at girls, and hitting on them with surprisingly no failure, me standing to the side and smiling. There always comes a point when I'm out with Cam that some girl asks for my number, and I just can't bring myself to do anything else but laugh - because most people have just assumed I'm gay, and assumed correctly. But, that incident had not yet come tonight. However, I was sure something along those lines would happen as the fireworks began to go off and everyone was in their prime alcoholic state.

With that thought, I looked down at my phone, waiting for Cam to be finished pulling the girls' numbers out of them. The time was 8:10, it was officially dark outside, and Cam had just finished putting the two girls' numbers into his phone, walking over to me - looking smug.

"Hit them with the fact that I work with kids, works every time." He said, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes, "You're a tool, we get it. Need another beer? I want a shot."

"Always need another beer." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes, laughing. We found the nearest drink stand and got into the short, almost empty line in front of it. Cam got another beer and two shots of whiskey, I had gotten just a shot - remembering that I had to drive. Cam took the alcohol in quick, as did I - but much less, as per usual. Cam would be drunk soon enough, and I knew that I would most likely end up carrying him on my back, down the street, to my car. But these were the times I cherished.

Cam turned around to me nearly 5 minutes later as we sat down and listened to the music in the spot where everyone would be soon sitting to see the fireworks. "I need another beer." I handed him a $10 bill, "Have at it, I'll be in the bathroom." I laughed and stood up, hoping that he would be able to find our seats on his own. I looked again at the time, 8:22 pm, knowing that I had to be quick to use the bathroom.

I walked across the small field that was filled with various tents and merchandise stands, to find the isle of portable bathrooms. I stood in front of one, there was no line, but the door said occupied, and waited. I looked down at my phone again, 8:27 pm, just as the announcer had begun to speak, saying that the fireworks would start in just a few moments. God knows where Cam would be at the moment - rather sitting quietly in our seats on the lawn, or wandering around drunkenly searching for me - there was no in between.

I looked down at my phone once again, 8:29 pm, how long could this person be taking? And with that thought, the door swung open, revealing a tall, curly haired boy. "Hey, sorry dude, how long have you been waiting?" He asked, laughing a bit.

"Just a few." I said, suddenly taken aback, not knowing why.

"Sorry about that, wouldn't want you to miss the fireworks." He said, turning around, clearly looking for someone. "You haven't happened to seen someone about my age? Blonde hair? Kinda douchey?"

I tried to give a confused look but instead let out a small giggle, "No, I haven't sorry."

And then a loud shoot, boom, and some light. The first firework had been let off, and following it was an entire show. "I'm sorry you're missing this, I feel like such a dick." The curly boy said. "I had you waiting, and all you wanted was to pee."

I laughed, "It's really not a big deal. I didn't have anyone to be with really right now anyway." I looked around, at all the couples kissing under the bright lights. Cam was probably borderline naked with some blonde girl already - and I would be stuck next to a portable bathroom with a stranger.

"Hey, me either." He laughed. "I'm Harry." He put his hand out. I smiled.


And the last thing I remember, I was being pinned up against the side of a plastic green portable bathroom, with a stranger tongue intertwined with mine.

hey guys, did you like that chapter? i really hope you did because i worked my ASS off on it. but I wanna get to know some of you better so comment here,, do you play any sports? I personally don't, but I'm a really big theater kid.

fireworks // larry stylinson {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now