thirty seven

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One of the most talented authors I've ever read is JK Rowling. She once said, no matter the length of a book - it shouldn't take more than three months to write. That is the rule I've been following since I started writing years ago. I started this fanfic on October 7th, 2018. Today is December 28, 2018. My goal was to have 50 chapters, but right now it's looking like it's going to be 40 with an epilogue. I hope that's okay with everyone. I'm just trying to wrap up this book so I can move onto other stories for you guys!

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Harry's POV

The car ride back over to the university was painfully awkward. We had only been in the car for five minutes, but it had definitely felt like twenty. And still, another ten were left. I didn't know how to spark up conversation with Louis, seeing as I had just a minute ago ros o, ripped his heart right out of his chest. How was I supposed to be like, so - the weather? There was no way.

I was an absolute asshole for what I had done. But I could not, I could never, be in a stable relationship. That's just not who I was. I was never was like that. It's not how I learned. Well, first off, I had never learned to be with guys. I had only started that this year. And it was scary enough to do that. Although, I loved Louis - with all my heart - I still had so much to work out on my own and I couldn't ever drag him into that.

For what only seemed like a moment, I couldn't stop thinking of all of the things I could do. All of the things he wanted me to do in that moment. You could cut the tension in the car with a knife. The whole ride, Louis had kept his arms stiff on the steering wheel, when usually one of them was holding my hand, or my arm, or me in general. It was so different. Such an odd feeling. We were always holding each other. No matter where we were.

I hated this feeling of not knowing what was going on in his head. It was so hard. He hadn't made a single glance at me the entire ride. Then again, the only time I had looked up from my fiddling hands was at the end of the ride, to see that we were pulling into the school. He had pulled in front of the school this time instead of parking, which felt like a stab in the chest on it's own. I had pictured him pulling into a parking space. I had pictured us hugging, apologizing, but it wouldn't happen. This is what I was choosing - and I couldn't have picked otherwise.

I opened up the car door, looking at the tall building in front of me. I waited for him to say something, but when he didn't, just keeping his eyes straight forward out the car, I turned around to him. He looked at me and I nodded, "Thank you." I said, almost silently. But judging by his nod, I figured he had heard me. I closed the passenger side car door behind me, and walked into the front lobby of the school, trying as hard as possible not to look back. I wasn't until I opened up the doors to the elevator, that I turned around and saw Louis start to drive out of the parking lot. And that was enough to make me tear up once again.

I hit the button on the elevator wall to close the doors and let it carry me up to my floor. I heard people partying in some dorm rooms, people having sex in others, and some that were dead silent. I quietly made my way to my dorm room, opened it up, as it was never locked, and sat down on my bed. Jacob was nowhere to be seen - thank God. The last thing I needed was him saying I told you so over and over again. I sat silently, and looked over at the door. I could still remember, moment by moment, the time I walked out of that door and Louis was in the hallway visiting his sister.

I hit the up button of the elevator and watched as the numbers reached 3, my floor. The doors opened up to see a boy, slightly familiar standing inside. "Going up?" was all I asked.

He nodded, looking confused. I stepped inside the doors and hit the button to close the door of the elevators. "Look a bit rough, long night out?" He asked as he laughed a bit.

"You could say that, typical Saturday. You?" I asked, trying to make conversation as the elevator slowly went up.

"You should know, I believe it was you who stayed with me behind a portable toilet last night. Harry is it?" He asked, still looking nervous, keeping his distance from me in the small elevator.

I tried to remember what he was talking about. I did remember making out with someone with gorgeous, sparkling blue eyes last night under the fireworks. "Oh yeah, sorry - I was quite honestly wasted, blacked out about half way through."

"Too bad, it was something to remember." He said under his breath, yet loud enough that I could hear it, with a smirk on his face.

"Your name again?"

"Louis. Tomlinson."

"Harry Styles." I put my hand out to shake his, and he complied. Just then, the elevator doors opened. We released our hands and began to walk down the hall together, not a thought running through my mind, and clearly not one in his either.

I couldn't stop thinking over all of these moments we had shared. Not a single one had I forgotten. And I missed them. But it got too serious. We were apart, and I had to keep it this way.

fireworks // larry stylinson {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now