thirty two

21 3 0

Louis' POV

I waited patiently for a text back from Harry. I had taken him back to the university this morning so he could get ready for his big show tonight. Knowing Harry personally, you wouldn't guess he was a theater kid, but if he loved it, I loved it.

I had only seen Little Shop of Horrors once before, and I was very young. However, I was sure I would be paying much more attention to my wonderful boyfriend up on the stage than the rest of the show. I adored him so much.

At about 3 o'clock my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter as I made a small sandwich. I looked away from the peanut butter and jelly I had set out to pick up my phone.

H: I'm not feeling too well

It hurt me to think of Harry being anxious. I just didn't know how to calm his nerves down. After what happened yesterday, I was scared he might pass out again. He said he was just dehydrated, but I still worried for him.

L: just breathe baby, i'll be there afterwards xx

H: kisses and everything?

L: especially kisses

I hoped I could talk him down easily enough as the play was in just a few hours. I would make sure I had something special planned for him afterwards. I thought of dinner and a movie. Maybe dinner and coming back to my place? Can had already let me know he had plans tonight and would end up drunk, sleeping over somewhere else.

H: miss you

L: miss you too. see you tonight, you'll do amazing baby

H: i hope so, my throat hurts like hell

L: just don't strain your voice too much, you've got it under control, i know it

H: i can't wait to see you

L: just a few more hours

I didn't know what else to do for him, but decided to take advantage of my time alone. I needed someone to attend this play with, and someone who would go on such short notice. I scrolled through the contacts on my phone, clicking on the one that infamously read, Dumb Bitch. Sibling love.

I facetimed Lottie and sat the phone in front of me, finishing my sandwich.

"Hey?" She asked. "Long time no talk - what do you want?"

I laughed a bit, "to see you of course! It's been over a month."

"That's because you've been up your boyfriend's ass - and I hope quite literally if you've been ignoring me this long." She giggled at her own joke.

"Oh don't be mad that I'm getting it more than you." I laughed a bit.

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes with a smile. "What do you want, seriously?"

"Well, what are you doing tonight?"

"Umh," she waited a moment, "I don't think anything, why?" She began to play with her blonde hair.

"There's a play going on at the campus, were you gonna go?"

"No, but I'm guessing you were."

"I was." I smiled. "Why don't you come with?"

"I guess, why are you going to some college musical?"

I waited in silence for a moment as she began to realize. "Awh, wait!" She exclaimed. "What a supportive boyfriend you are!"

I rolled my eyes at her sarcastic excitement. "Yeah, yeah. Just be ready at 6:30 and meet me in the lobby."

She smiled. "Oh of course, Lou. Make sure to by Harry flowers. I can't wait to finally meet him for real. After all you tweet about, you would think you'd let me meet him by now." She rolled her eyes jokingly.

"You'll love him, Lottie. I'm sure of it."

"Do you?"

"Do I what?" I asked in return.

"Love him?"

The two small words hit me extremely hard, without warning. A million thoughts raced through my mind, but without thinking, I answered. "Yeah, I think I do."


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