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I'd just like to give some warning in advance that this chapter is short and not written very well. I'm sorry about that, i am just not exactly one to write smut, but I also didn't want to just breeze past that part. Louis' point of view in the next chapter will give more of a look on it if that helps you guys at all. Please vote!

harry's pov

I pushed my lips against Louis' lips. He gave the same pressure back as we sat there for a moment. He had already pulled back once, but I pulled back this time.

"I'm sorry if this isn't what you thought I was coming for." I whispered. It was clear that he had thought this would be close to a date, but I wasn't that kind of person - and I didn't think my opinions would be changed by just one boy.

"I'm okay with this too." He smiled and pushed his lips against mine again. I closed my eyes and deepened the kiss. I took my hands and positioned one on his hip an done onto the couch, pushing him down under me. I felt him smile against my lips then his felt his tongue cross my lips, I gave him mine in return. I felt his hands slip under my shirt and I pulled back, making sure this was okay with him all.

"Is this okay with you?" I looked down, smirking at him. He sat up, and I did so in return, making him more comfortable. He stood up off the couch and put his hand out, asking for mine. I put my hand in his and smiled up at him.

"It's perfect, darling." He stood me up and lead me up the stairs and the rest was history.

I woke up the next morning a bit confused. I looked around the unfamiliar room, hoping that it would be my usual dorm room. I then came to completely and felt pressure on my waist. I looked down at my body and saw that I was wearing no shirt, boxers though, with two small arms wrapped around my waist. That's when everything finally came back to me.

I turned my body around to face the small, also partially naked boy laying behind me. I looked at him as he slept soundly. I pressed my lips to the tip of his nose in an attempt to wake him. His eyes fluttered a bit in confusion but then saw my whole face after a few seconds and I saw his face become less tense and smile. He closed his eyes again and whispered. "I could get used to that."

"It was quite fun." I agreed with him. The things we had gotten into last night were unspeakable, but I wouldn't stop thinking about that night all day.

"Do you want to stay for breakfast?" He asked me, pulling me closer by my waist.

Then, all of the ease in my body completely left me, and I felt panicked. What was I doing? No, I didn't want to stay for breakfast. Anyone I've had come over at night had left that night - no question. That's how it was so easy for me to avoid relationships. I did not want to get into one now. Although, I had never been with the same person two nights in a row.

It was clear that Louis was interested in me in different ways than I was interested in him. "I have to get back to the university. I have classes at noon." I said politely. I wasn't lying, either. I had missed a class or two yesterday from being so hungover.

Louis opened his eyes to see me again. "Oh, okay." He looked over at the clock that was next to his bed. "It's already 11, did you want to go? I can take you." He offered.

"I drove here, thank you though. I really did enjoy my little stay." I smiled and stood up, he released me from his grip. I could tell from his whole demeanor that I hadn't made him too happy this morning.

He smiled up at me. "I'm glad then. I enjoyed it a lot too."

"Text me, okay?" I said quietly, not thinking. I did want him to text me, but I didn't know why.

He nodded. "Of course, I'll let you out." He stood up and walked out of the bedroom in front of me. I watched his small body walk down the stairs in front of me and down into the living room, where the front door was. I watched as his hips swayed when he walked, and I watched his curves move back and forth. I admired his body quite a bit. And I knew subconsciously that I did not want to leave.

We stood in front of the door that was still closed. He looked up at me, "Thank you for staying." I waited for him to finish his sentence before planting one last kiss on his lips. I kissed him hard and long, hoping he wouldn't forget it.

I smiled. "No, thank you."

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