Chapter 12

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I woke up earlier than Sunny just to prepare her a breakfast meal. I wanted to do this every day since she's the one who's working. Although, I'm thinking of the possibilities that I'll be back being a doctor again.

I hear the door closes, maybe she's awake.

"Mi amore?" I'm here at the dining area preparing

"Po?" I hear her footsteps on the stairs. I saw her wearing my white long sleeves and just wearing her underwear. She's hot!

"Buongiorno" I greet her then she kissed my lips before I knew it.

"Good morning" she whispered.

"You look beautiful" then I wink at her but she hit my arm

"Sinabi ng wag kikindat eh! Ang aga aga nilalandi mo ako" I just laugh on her reaction para siyang bata talaga.

"Mi amore later after I drop off you to the hospital, I'll just go to my old house"

She was about to have her first bite but she stops and looks at me


"Nothing I just wanted to check, it's been a while since the last time I visited that house." Then she continues to eat

"Okay basta mag iingat ka ha?" I hold her hand on the top of the table

"Of course mi amore I will"

I drive her to the hospital where she's working with Alex and Kim. "A, I will pick you up later, after your shift okay? I'll be on time" I told her before she leaves the car

"Opo hihintayin kita, I love you R--" I can't help it but to smile every time she tells me that

"Ti amo mi amore" then I lean closer to kiss her soft lips

"See you later" she alighted from the car and went inside the building.

I drive to where my old house is. It's been a while since I checked that house since I have my big library and my basement laboratory.

One hour had passed when I finally got home "Long time no see" I whispered to myself when I alighted. It has a lot of memories. I remember when I first rescued Sunny for being almost captured by bad guys. The second is where I first kissed her and the moment I crossed my lines for her. The third is the moment when I was mesmerized by Sunny's face when we're making love---

Just thinking about these memories it puts up a smile on my face. Time flies so fast with just a blink of an eye everything changes.

I opened the door using my key--surprisingly nothing change. I went upstairs to go to my library where we became close friends and where I kissed her for the first time. It makes my heart flutter just by remembering it---five years and still Sunny is the one that I wanted the most---

I close the door of the library and check all the rooms, everything is still untested. I went down to my basement laboratory, nothing seems to go down here. This is the place where my secrets were buried. My diaries for over a hundred years, my experiments, my blood and the last thing I brought here is my salvation-- Aconitum, or in other terms---wolfsbane.

I remember the day when I drink it, I feel like my whole body is burning like hell. It gave me a vision of how death is near to me... but it didn't scare me at all, cause I know I can do anything for her.

I am about to leave my laboratory when my phone rings. When I look at it, it's an unknown number, but still, I answered it


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