You do care!

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Selina pov

After our argument, I didn't plan on getting involved again. But as I was walking along a roof several hours after our fallout, I noticed his car parked behind an abandoned warehouse.

That idiot wasn't thinking straight. He was going to get himself killed. I hadn't cared about that possibility earlier, but for some reason I cared now. Perhaps I had lost my touch.

Silently, I crept across rooftops and onto the warehouse. There, I picked a lock on one of the upper floor windows and entered. Once inside, I used my expert hearing to detect Bruce and Barbara on the bottom floor, so I made my way there quickly.

I entered the room silently, and hid in the shadows behind the wreck of an old car. In the room, I found that Bruce had strapped Barbara to a chair in the centre, and was stood before her, interrogating her while she laughed drunkly at his threats.

"You'll regret this Bat." She sneered, chucking darkly.

"You sure will." I replied, stepping out of the shadows uninvited.

"Look who's back! Here kitty kitty." She called gleefully.

"What are you doing here." Brace asked, no emotion in his tone at all.

"Nice to see you too." I huffed sarcastically, wandering over to Barbara and, before reaching to cut her restraints. But as I extended my hand, a think piece of wire-like rope coiled around my wrist and tugged me away.

I hissed and looked up to find Bruce had been the one to stop my advance.

"Get. Off. Me." I snarled, tearing through the wire with my claws.

"You were going to free her." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Duh! So we don't all die." I yelled at him.

He stared, seemingly unaware of the danger ahead.

"Hello! Leader of the sirens or lady deamonheaders or whether she calls them now. The point is, when they find out you took their all mighty leader, we're screwed!" I shouted, irritated by his stupidity.

"I need her information." He said bluntly, as usual.

"Were you not listening before! This Selina chick hadn't spoken to her! Now let her go because I am not saving you when this goes south." I hissed venomously, shocked at my own ability to detach from myself.

"Then why are you here right now if you don't care." He muttered.

That stumped me for a minute. Why was I here?

"Curiosity." I whispered. " But that's besides the point, she can't help us."

"Us." He echoed. "You do care!" He exclaimed.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Let. Her. Go." I demanded.

"It means an awful lot to me that you respect me so much dear kitten." Chuckled Barbara, who was now standing beside her chair. "And she's right you know, I can't help you."

Out of nowhere, women dressed in black holding various weapons emerged from the shadows.

"I told you so, genius." I said sarcastically, standing back to back with Bruce, in a defensive stance.

"Is now really the time?" He muttered back, also ready to fight.

"Don't kill them. Just tie them up and leave them here. Don't harm the Cat either, I've grown rather fond of her. As for the Bat, beat some sense into him. He needs to learn to respect his superiors."

Instructed Barbara as she tuned to leave. And with that, we were attacked. 

730 days~ Batcatحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن