Nine lives

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Bruce pov

I dashed across the GCPD rooftop, coming to a stop beside the skylight. The moons silvery rays reflected off of my black suit as I undid the window latch with a small device of my own design. Once the pane was loose, I opened the glass entrance and attached a grapple to the roof floor.

Silently, I lowered myself into the police station, tossing a few signal interferers at the security cameras which I had mapped out the locations of in my mind.

Once my feet reached the floor, I unclipped the grapple and hurried to the lock up, before which I grabbed her weapons from a box at my desk.

I found Cat in the third cell, lay on her back, tapping her foot against the wall. Her eyes were closed, but I knew she was awake.

"Didn't think I'd see you again so soon." She muttered, confirming my suspicion that she knew I was here. She turned her head to me, her eyes snapping open.

"And this I definitely didn't expect." She laughed, nodding at the fact I was in my suit.

"Would you just shut up already." I hissed, opening up the cell and holding the door for her to exit. She smirked at my tone, before standing and strutting out of the lock up, rolling out her shoulders as she went.

I shut the door behind her, and turned only to find her stood extremely close to me.

"If you think this excuses every other damn thing you've done, you got another thing coming." She spat, tracing a sharp claw along my jaw. "I didn't need your help to escape."

"I know." I sighed, "but I thought it was worth a try."

She turned up her nose up to me and huffed a sarcastic laugh, before turning to the grapple, grabbing her weapons.

"Well come on then. Don't leave it at half a job." She smirked, and I couldn't help but see this as the beginning of the road back to... whatever the hell it was that we were.

I attached the grapple to my waist, before holding out my hand for her to take. She hesitated momentarily, before grabbing my hand and allowing me to pull her in and tuck my arm around her waist. She wrapped her arms around me as the grapple pulled us up, and I was thankful that my mask hid the blush that crawled up my cheeks at the contact.

Once on the roof, we untangled from each other in silence, and I collected my equipment and shut the skylight.

Just as I tuned back to face her, a helicopter whizzed overhead, searchlight pointed right at Cat.

She looked up and rolled her eyes before smiling at me.

"Better get ready to chase me Batsy. Wouldn't want them knowing you're a criminal now too." She winked, before turning and setting off at a spirit across the roof top.

I looked up to see the searchlight following her, as well as the men in the chopper shouting at me to grab her.

I exhaled deeply, before starting off after the shadow that leapt across the rooftops ahead of me.

She was giving me a chance to catch up, I could tell, she was running much slower than usual, turning to look at me once in a while to check I was still in pursuit. I could hear her laugher echo around me as I began to near her, at which moment she turned to face me.

I came to a skidding stop before her, the light encapsulating us both now.

"What do you say we give them a show?" She laughed, cocking her head at me. I only grinned in return as she ran at me, drawing her whip. She launched it at my ankles, but I leapt over it and threw a punch at her shoulder which she rolled out of the way of. We circled one another, before she grinned and ran at me, using an air conditioner to jump off of and launch herself into the air. As she dived at me, I dropped and she narrowly missed me, and I grabbed her ankle as he flew, causing her to land in an awkward crouch, allowing me to leap atop of her and hold her wrists down. She laughed as she squirmed under me, and I smirked too at my sparring victory.

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