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Ladies and gentleman, I proudly present to you.....Sydney Opera House, Australia! Please give your loudest applause! Beautiful, isn't it?

October 3rd, 2018

11:51 PM

Hello, friend!

My name is Sheila. I'm a girl, I'm 21-year-old college student. My major is English Department, I'm currently swamped with homeworks and researches,  never thought  that 7th semester gonna be this hectic...eheheheh....

Yesterday, I went to Big Bad Wolf Books Festival which is held in my city, Surabaya. I bought two interesting novels, Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children and The Boy Is Back. I really do enjoy reading fiction and literature books in my spare time. So, do you also like to read? Fiction? Non-fiction?  Tell me something do you like into and why? Eagerly waiting for your response!




October 5th, 2018

12:00 AM


Thank you for sending me a letter! Sheila is a nice name :) I'm 14 and I'm currently in high school, in year 8.

I do like to read books, I feel like it's nice to read and get away from your life and enter the life of a character! I personally enjoy action, adventure, sci-fi, and horror stories. I normally read fiction, but sometimes I find non-fiction is better for self-development and gaining my knowledge.

I also love to watch movies! I find movies great, especially if it's based on a book that I've previously read! Do you like movies too? Do you have any favourites?

I'm looking forward to your next letter!

Your pen pal,


Sydney Opera House is one of the most iconic buildings of all time. The interior of the building is an engineering marvel that has withstood the test of time. Around the Opera House is a beautiful park, museums, art galleries, food venues, outdoor venues, and ferries to take you around the other parts of Sydney.

The building looks amazing from a distance, but beware, it might not be as pretty up close. When the lightning festival is going on, the dome lights up in amazing colors and shapes. If you haven't been to Sydney and you are interested in this extraordinary building or perhaps to watch some shows inside, the acoustics are amazing, you won't regret coming.

The ferry is coming! To all passengers, all aboaaaaarrddd!!! We're moving to the next destination!

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