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Puerto Princesa, a gateway to the Underground River, in Philippines.

We were only in Puerto Princesa for two days so we only went to the Underground River. The trip arranged by Hibiscus Garden Inn took up one full day.  We need to ride a boat just to get here. But you'll be greeted with a beautiful view of a limestone cliff and a white sand beach. Walking into the woods, you'll see monkeys and some wild animals. At the end of the trail towards the river is where you'll start another boat ride into the underground river . The area passable by boat is just a small percentage of the whole length of the subterranean river but long enough for you to see and feel what's in there. Some stalactites/ stalagmites of any form and some bats. The guide/boatman is entertaining too.

October 29th, 2018

02:43 AM

Halo! (This is hello in Bahasa Indonesia)

I'm Sheila from Surabaya, Indonesia. I'm 21 and I'm currently working on a research in English Department. I love to read fiction and literature books, write a story in Storial and Sweek, watch movies, cycling, swimming, and drawing in my spare time.

So, have you made a pen pal before? What do you do in your spare time? What's the weather look like in your town? Will be here waiting for your response! Have a great day! Take care!

Your pen pal,



November 1st, 2018

11:25 PM

Hi, Sheila! Kumusta ka? (How are you?)

I'm so sorry for not replying immediately, I got sick and got swamped with work lately. But, I feel much better now.

May I know what you're researching on? I've always been curious what and  how people who are in the language and literature department conduct their research. I'm also a researcher in some way, you see, but I'm the one who needs quantitative data for research. I was in the market research before but I left because it is not my heart wants.

I love reading books, as well! Although, I haven't made progress on my goals lately because I always tired when I arrived at home and would fall asleep before I even pick up a book.

Anyway, what's your preferred genre? I'm more of an Agatha Christie's mysteries/mysteries in general type of girl, I also read something else if I like it. I also like Haruki Murakami's works. Although right now, I'm bingeing on Filipino literature. I don't know why, but earlier this year I said to myself I'm going to buy more local books to read. I am enamored by anthologies, especially the speculative fiction pieces. How about you? What type of literature do you read and write?

The weather here got worse two days ago. I live in the northern island of Philippines and a typhoon just passed by. It didn't hit the city I live in, but it's a real pain because some places where it hit are just recovering from the past typhoons. Now, weather's back to sweltering hot. It's weird because it should be a little cooler because we're nearing December.

How about there in your country? I've never been to Indonesia but I had clients from there before. I hope I can visit sometime and explore your rich culture. 

I've been using the app for about a month now and it's the first time I had pen pals in my life.

By the way, what do you draw? I am a frustrated artist myself. I love drawing and making art when I was a kid but I kind of lied low when I stepped into college. Now, I try to do something whenever I have the energy for it.

How's the weather in your place today? I hope things are fine with the research :)

Hope to hear from you again, Sheila!

All the best,


Most visitors to Puerto Princesa opt to visit the famous Underground River in St. Paul Subterranean National Park in Sabang. This is reached by traveling overland north of Puerto Princesa to Baheli, close to the western coast, and proceeding on motorized outriggers or pumpboats for another two hours. Banca trips may may be arranged for delving into St. Paul cavern - a fascinating passage through a subterranean world of exquisite cathedrals with massive stalactites; icy lagoons where the eerie quiet is occasionally pierced by shrill cries of swooshing bats; and cavewall formations that resemble a George Lucas film set. 

  This Puerto Prinsesa Underground River is truly one of the seven wonders of the world as we can see the unique natural structures inside the cave. When I entered within the area of underground river I could see the different designs that would create a vivid imagination to form images and structures. Inside the cave, it is refreshing feelings because it is cold inside. There were so many bats flying and playing inside the cave. I liked also how organized the people working here from buying tickets, riding a boat, providing audio set, and tour guide. I liked also that the management providing an audio set so that we were aware about the whole underground river cruising experience. They provided a lot of information regarding the different chamber of the cave and structures. They also think the safety of their guests first by canceling the tour if the weather is not permitted to cruise, providing life vest and helmet. So, this place is recommended to everyone. 

But,  too bad we were not allowed to see the deeper part of the cave where the fossil of an ancient manatee. About the active wildlife where everywhere you turn there is a monitor lizard and monkeys hannging out in the island.

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