13 7 1

"Gosh! Look at the size of these trees!"

"How humongous!"

"I feel I wanna hug these trees like there is no tomorrow!"

"Well, the locals are also called it 'The Tree of Life'. It is the only fruit in the world that dries naturally on the branch. Baking in the sun for 6 months, baobab's green, prickly, velvet-like coating transforms into a smooth, brown, coconut-like shell."

"I was thinking you are going to say 'The Circle of Life' XD teeheee~"

October 24th, 2018

10:21 AM

Halo! (This is hello in Bahasa Indonesia)

I'm Sheila from Surabaya, Indonesia. I'm 21 and I'm currently working on my research in English Department. I love to read comics, fiction and literature books, blogging on Tumblr, watch movies, write stories in Wattpad, and drawing in my spare time.

So, have you made a pen pal before? What do you like to do in your spare time? What's the weather look like in your town? Will be here waiting for your letter! Take care!

Your pen pal,



October 25th, 2018

11:57 PM

You sound like a very interesting person. I have not yet had a pen pal but with this app I hope to meet a few interesting people.

I also like writing in my free time, I also enjoy working with computers. As for the weather, it is fairly hot and dry.

What kind of stories do you enjoy writing? and how is the weather in your town?

Your pen pal,


   "Currently, the fruit is being marketed in Europe as a super food. I never realized baobab trees had edible fruit until while living in Madagascar, I found some fruits for sale in a Malagasy market. It certainly isn't like any fruit I had eaten before."

"Does it tastes good?"

" The baobab fruit I ate had the consistency of astronaut ice cream or freeze-dried ice cream, and it had a sweet and slightly tart flavor. However, I liked the taste very much, and I was a repeat buyer. Compared to mainland Africa and Australia, Madagascar has the greatest diversity of baobab trees."

"Locals said that it is a very long-lived, fast-growing tree and has a lifespan of a couple of hundred years. Quite special about this tree is that it can have a diameter of more than 10 m with a height of only 20 to 25 m."

"Back to the taste... the taste is described differently but it has for sure a sour note because of its high Vitamin C content. The pulp as well as the seeds are consumed in several ways. The pulp can be used in drinks, sauces or as a sweets."

"When we get back to the hotel, we should  try Baobab juice. Nice idea, isn't it?"

"Guys, did you smell something foul?"

"What? You farted?"

"Maybe the honey badger..."

"Eh??!? Honey Badger??? Wheree?! Where!"

"I think we should for our lives! Ruuunnn~!!!!!"

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