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The Belvedere Palace in Vienna, Austria.

 Few places can supersede Vienna for splendour or elegance, and one of reasons for this comes in the shape of the splendid Belvedere Palace. Baroque to the core, the massive estate comprises of the Upper and Lower buildings, the Orangery, the Old Stables, the beautiful jardins francais modelled on Versailles and many intertwining paths amongst the flower beds, marble sculptures, tree-lined paths. In a way, we can thank the Ottoman Empire for this marble monument: the Belvedere was built during a period of renewed construction by the Hapsburg family after the successful end to the encroachment of the Ottoman Empire into Central Europe. 

Much like the Belevedere, the city of Vienna itself isa work of marble and art: from the soaring grey towers of St Stephen's Cathedral to the massive, from the seat of power at the to the many scattered around the broad avenues and finally to the many cafes that have made this city famous. Walking Vienna's avenues and boulevards and gardens is like visiting a living museum, one dedicated to Baroque and Art Nouveau and Gothic styles. From the historic extravagance of the cafes to the vast grandeur of the palaces, Vienna will make you feel like royalty in another era.

October 11th, 2018

04:10 PM


My name is Sheila. Warm greetings from Indonesia. I've been looking for a pen pal from the other part of the world and thankfully I've finally found someone to talk to. I would like to know about your experiences and discuss perspectives on society. I know this sounds more sophisticated than it actually is......your favorite aspect about living where you live?

Questions you've had always had about other places? Your most favorite dishes? Those are some of the questions I've always wanted to ask someone who lives in a different side of the world and I would love to chat about these things. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope to hear from you soon.

Have a great day!




October 16th, 2018

12:43 AM

Hey, Sheila!

I'm Hancook from Austria. I'm 18. I'm so grateful that I've finally found someone to talk to. You have a nice name btw :) I'm interested in Movies, Space, Humor shows, and Gaming. I like to play Dota2 and Overwatch. Both are fun games! My favorite thing about my country is that we have free healthcare and fresh water. My favorite dish would be Wienerschnitzel. A hotdog! It tastes so delicious! What about you? your favorite aspect about living in Indonesia?

Your fav dishes? Well, thanks for taking your time reading this letter! Have a nice day :)

Your pen pal,


For those of you who are art lovers you may know that this years marks the 150th birthday of Austrian's most famous painter, Gustav Klimt.

  To be honest I'm not the "artsy" type who has a great knowledge about Art History. I do however, appreciate art no matter the artist or the price tag; could be a stunning masterpiece by Klimt or could just as fantastic creative finger painting by my 6 year old niece.  

  The largest collection of Klimt's work is located in Vienna's which in my opinion is a attraction in itself. Two Baroque Palaces, the Upper Palace and Lower Palace are situated on beautiful grounds complete with fountains and immaculately maintained gardens.  Constructed in the 1700's by Prince Eugene of Savoy as a summer residence, the palace and grounds did not get their current name until Empress Maria Theresia visited. Belvedere in Italian means "beautiful views".

 The shows work from different eras too like Impressionism, Contemporary Art and Medieval are to name a few. "The Kiss", which is Klimt's most famous piece used golf leafing combined with oil paint to create a stylish modern look in that time (1907-1908). 

  A belvedere in architecture is a house, open gallery, or other open structure that commands a beautiful view of its surroundings. In this case, the Belvedere Palace looks both up and down its stunning French inspired formal gardens. The actual palace is split into two structures, an upper and lower palace. The lower palace was typically used as the primary residence while the upper was mainly the entry point for guests to move through the gardens and as a point of prestige. The Belvedere Palace has served the less fortunate role in modern history as the residence of archduke Franz Ferdinand prior to his assassination in 1914 that launched World War I.  

 If you do visit Vienna I encourage you to designate a half day to visit the Belvedere Palace. Simply beautiful.

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