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In our first day arrived in Nepal, I decided to visit the Boudanath Stupa. The cab driver took me in a back way and told go this way, you don't have to pay the tickets :p

Dating back to the 14th century, Boudhanath is one of the holiest buddhist shrines in Kathmandu, as well as one of the largest stupas in Nepal (and the world). It is infused with spirituality, prayers and symbolic numbers.  

Located at the north eastern side of Kathmandu, Boudhanath is the closest to Tibet that I can reached. Dominated by the massive white stupa structure in the middle said to be the world's largest, Boudhanath is a holy Buddhist site and home to many Tibetan exiles since 1950's.

October 18th, 2018

01:37 AM

Halo! (This is hello in Bahasa Indonesia)

I'm Sheila from Surabaya, Indonesia. I'm 21 and I'm currently working on my research in English Department. I love to read fiction, literature books, watch movies, visit a hobby con and drawing in my spare time.

So, what's your hobby? What's your biggest pet peeve? What time is it now in your country? Will be here waiting for your reply! Have a great day :) Take care!

Your pen pal,



October 18th, 2018

05:39 PM

Hello, Sheila!

I'm Ash. I'm 17 and I'll be turning 18 this month. Literature sounds really interesting, I used to read a lot of novels when I was a kid but I don't read that much now. Do you write too? Also what kind of movies do you watch?

I absolutely like to draw! That's why I'm studying Architecture. I just begin my first semester. My biggest pet peeve is probably when people don't get my jokes. It makes me look really stupid or am I actually stupid? I don't even know anymore. How about yours? what's your biggest pet peeve?

What kinds of drawings do you like to do? Do you ever procrastinate while drawing? I do that a lot >< I find myself wanting to draw but not following through because I'm lazy. And that results in me...drawing a lot less than I should. Does that happen to you too?

Apparently, I received this letter at 12:22 AM. Anyways hope you have a great day, Sheila!


- Aashraya

Nepal has around 9% Buddhist population, but many famous buddhist temples.The Buddhist stupa of Boudhanath, one of the largest stupa of the world, dominates the Kathmandu skyline. . The influx of large populations of refugees from Tibet has seen the construction of over 50 Tibetan Gompas around Boudhanath. Setting aside the touristy aspect of Boudhanath or even the accolades of being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the significant of Boudhanath above all else is how it symbolizes freedom for the Tibetan exiles.

Around the watchful eye of the stupa, they built their houses, their community and their livelihood. The shops and restaurants at the complex is what I can only assume are mostly owned by Tibetan merchants. At Boudhanath, they can practice their faith without any fear of resistance and they can live their lives the way they always aspire it to be.

The Stupa is on the ancient trade route from Tibet which enters the Kathmandu Valley by the village of Sankhu in the northeast corner, passes by Boudnath Stupa to the ancient and smaller stupa of Cā-bahī or 'Little Boudnath'. Many refugees who entered Nepal from Tibet in the 1950s, settled around Boudhanath. The Stupa is said to entomb the remains of Kassapa Buddha. Till date, you will see many devotees silently offering their prayer , touching their head in the stupa wall or rotating the prayer wheels.

Along with the monasteries, the whole area is predominated by many souvenir shops displaying varieties of handcrafts, prayer wheels, singing bowls, laughing buddha idols, buddisht religious songs' CDs, pashmina shawls etc.

Nepal is a wonderful and colorful country! I dont mind going back there again!

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