Upcoming Characters

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Hellfire:(to the left) is a veteran hero and controls fire. He is a teacher and teaches the Techniques and Strategy class

Captain Zephyr: (in the middle) he is the strongest hero in the world and is well known. He has super strength, speed, sight, hearing, and smell, he teaches the Strength and Endurance class.

Ivory: (on the right) he used to be a hero but is now the Power Usage and Control class. He has the power to read people's mind, Fire off psychic beams, and has the power to levitate.

 He has the power to read people's mind, Fire off psychic beams, and has the power to levitate

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Zed: Zed is a student at the school and is the number one first year in the Weapon Wing. Due to an accident he was involved in earlier in his life. However due to some modifications he is now up and moving once more.

 However due to some modifications he is now up and moving once more

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