A Fresh Start

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After a couple of days in the nursing center they finally released me. During that time, Morgan visited frequently to make sure I was ok. He even slept in my room all night. I told him he didn't have to stay all night, but he insisted. Overall, my recovery went well. I feel a lot better now...but I still want to kick that Gayle guy's ass.

After leaving the infirmary I headed towards my dorm. I noticed on my way there I got a lot of stares from other furs. I tried to pay no mind to it ,however part of me couldn't help but to get alittle ticked off. I managed to make it to my dorm though without any trouble. I walked in only to see Morgan laying on his bed studying. Morgan looked up and his faced immediately turned into a toothy grin as he saw me.


As Hiro walked in the room I couldn't help, but smile. I was glad that he made a full recovery and is now back.

"Hey bud welcome back hehe", I said still smiling

" Hey Morgan and thanks, I'm happy I'm finally out of that uncomfortable bed" he laughed slightly as he walked over and sat on his bed ,

I suddenly remember a conversation I had with one of my teachers, Professor Ivory.


"Morgan I would like to speak with you for a moment ", Professor ivory said .

"Sure thing what's up", I asked as I walked up to him?

"Your roommate, Hiro I believe is his name, When he is fully recovered please have him see me at once...it's very urgent ", he said

" Ok I'll let him know as soon as he is well", I said before walking away.

*flashback ends*

Oh right I almost forgot about what the professor said.

"Hey Hiro, Professor Ivory said he needs to see you. He said it was urgent"

"Hmmm, ok then", he said before getting up and heading to Professor Ivory's office".


It was a nice 5 minute walk , but I finally made it to his office. I knocked on the door and moments later the door opens with Professor Ivory in the doorway.

"Ahhh Hiro, please come in there is some things I need to discuss with you", he said as he gestured for me to go inside.

I nodded and headed inside. The walls of his office were covered with extremely tall bookshelves all around the room. In the center of the room was a desk with two chairs, on opposite sides, and a laptop on the desk along with some notes. I sat in the chair in front of the desk as Professor Ivory came and sat on the opposite side.

"So Hiro, I've examined your fight a few days ago with Gayle. I see you have extreme potential with your powers, however you seem to struggle with your powers...you need to be able to control your power especially the one you possess, because if you don't learn to control it now it'll kill you"

"I-I know that...I just want to be in control of my powers, but I don't know how to", I admitted him.

"You need to learn more about your power, so I will teach you how to utilize your power to the fullest", he said with a slight smile

"R-really?! Thank you so much Professor Ivory!"

"Of course, so the first assignment as your mentor is...", he grabs several thick books and drops them on the desk infront of me. " You must read through all of these to understand the history of your power and all the info behind it...good luck and I'll see you back here a week from now", he said

Holy shit these book s are huge...how am I going to finish all of this? I grabbed the books and struggled all the way back to my dorm. Once inside I practically collapsed.

"Woah dude what's with all the books", Morgan asked?

"You know...studying hehe", I said still on the ground.

Something tells me this is going to be a long week.


Hey guys sorry for not publishing in a while. I'm out of school now so I should be publishing more frequently. So I hope you enjoy this new chapter

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