Chapter 3

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The group had traveled to most of the nine realms without any problems, besides constantly bickering with Loki. The realms so far seemed at peace and there was no threat to be seen. Of course, Thor told the residents of each realm to take shelter and wait for them to come back in case anything did happen.

Although the people of each realm adored Thor, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg, they loathed Loki. Then again, that was expected by Loki and the others. It didn't seem to bother Loki. It looked as if he liked the negative attention. He smiled a devious smile the whole way through.

"When will there be some real trouble?" Loki asked. Thor shrugged.

"There might not be any, but do not put your guard down," Thor replied as they traveled to the next realm.

They traveled from realm to realm making sure that everything was in order. There were a few violent breakouts, but they were quickly settled. Loki helped, even though Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg were uncomfortable with it.

Then, they went to Midgard. Thor, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg were all on guard once they arrived at Midgard. All of them, including Loki, remembered the day well. They remembered how Loki attempted to take over Midgard and become their ruler. He may have succeeded if it weren't for the Avengers. Of course, Loki hated the Avengers after the incident.

Here we go again. Let us journey into this idiotic realm that is Midgard, why don't we? Loki thought to himself. He cursed under his breath as the group took their first steps into the realm. They were in the middle of nowhere. They made sure that they arrived somewhere where no one would see them.

Thor had a slight smile on his face. Look at him. He is probably dreaming about seeing his revolting female Midgardian partner again. Loki thought. He had a straight face, but he could feel the anger burning inside of him. Loki was not jealous of Thor's ability to attract women or his "girlfriend," Loki was irritated with Thor because of his alliance with the Avengers. Loki hated the Avengers with an intense passion.

The group walked for a long time before they saw signs of a town. When they reached the town, it was almost empty.

It was a very small town. A few cars and about four people were roaming around. It was very quiet. The road was faded and cracked like the buildings.

A few people looked at the group from Asgard, but they continued with their business a moment later when they decided that Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, and Loki were simply people in costumes for some riduculous reason. Loki sighed heavily as they continued walking.

Loki's impatience grew each step that they took. Sif and Fandral kept glancing at him every few seconds to ensure that he wasn't trying anything. Volstagg scratched his beard and burped. Sif started waving the foul stench away with her hand.

"What on Asgard have you been eating?" she asked, clearly irritated. Being with Loki made her very testy. Volstagg shurgged in reply.

"I've eaten many things lately...," Volstagg said, "All of which were very tasty." He smiled and belted out another burp. Sif shook her head and continued waving the stench away.

The group of Asgardians walked up to the corner of a building, ready to round the corner. When they walked around the corner, somebody bumped into Fandral. It was a woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was short and skinny. In her hands, she held a device that started beeping very quickly. The woman gathered herself after the impact and looked up at the group. At first, her jaw dropped; then she smiled. Thor looked her in the eyes.


A God and a Midgardian (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now