5. Flames Tea:

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I had another dream last night. It was of that same girl, I found out that her name is Fayella but everyone calls her Faye. It was weird because it isn't like the normal dreams you usually have, it was truly as if I was there. I could touch and feel things and taste and smell.

It started the way it always does; she was stood next to me with her PJs on and I was in my PJs too and we were both facing forward. But then this man was telling me not to worry - I couldn't see his face so I don't know who he was. All of a sudden, Faye was behind him, like she was hiding almost, and grinning with her bright blue eyes twinkling like lights in the shadows. I could never really see her properly before, she was always right next to me and we never really looked at each properly, so I could only see the side of her face. She told me she was called Faye and that she lives in Barnstaple which is in Devon with her dad and step mum. That was also weird because we never got to speak to each other before now.

We were both happy because we were together; it was like we were old friends, catching up on life. Then all of a sudden, the building behind us set alight and we couldn't run away. It happened so quickly. One moment we were just talking and the next we were stuck to the ground with a blazing fire coming towards us.

We were stuck there, glued to the spot, as the red hot flames crept slowly towards us and curled around our feet. It was like the flames were living creatures, teasing us and laughing at us. They kept rising up higher and higher and we couldn't do anything as the fire started to engulf us, glowing weird shades of red and orange. Then Faye was dragged away from me crying "Tea! Tea!" I felt so helpless, there was nothing I could do because every time I tried to reach for her the smoke choked me and I couldn't breathe but I kept trying and trying to move, to get away from the searing flames and to save Tea.

I must have been screaming because I woke up and my voice was hoarse, tears streaming down my face. My fists were clenched and mum was next to me, calling my name. I didn't sleep after that. It was the night of my twelfth birthday as well, it was weird, like Faye and I had a strong connection in some way - almost supernatural.

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