8. Love Tea:

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Mum dumped another boyfriend last night; his name was Nick I think. None of them stay long, she just confesses her love to someone else within a few weeks and then the previous boyfriend leaves and mum feels so rejected and unwanted. It's like she actually doesn't understand why they keep leaving.

She normally brings them home and then gets into an argument with them over nothing and then the tears flow from her eyes. At this point the ass hole usually just leaves, but it seems mum finally found a nice man because he stayed with her this time.

Mum wept on him most of the night and then, occasionally, she would splutter words like "and he's dead!" I never know who or what mum talks about with these men but I don't think my dad is dead so i really dont know who she is on about. Nick stayed with her most of the night and then came to see me.

"It must be really hard for you." he said, looking genuinely sympathetic, I was confused but I didn't let on. "With your dad being dead and all."

"Oh. Yeah." I replied. Mum had lied to me, my dad was dead. Why had she never told me? Maybe it pained her too much to tell me so she made it all up in her head? I wasn't really sad, I was more angry that mum had never bothered to tell me anything. I trusted her all these years and now I find out she was lying; was it all lies; my whole life based on lies? I don't know what is true anymore, what is a dream or a reality, a truth or a lie. I am her daughter, I had a right to know if my dad was dead. But she is not getting away with it this time, oh no!

That night I had a weird dream with Faye. We were in London, Faye was there and so was my mum, there was another man, Faye's dad I guess. I couldn't really see him properly but I swear he looked familiar. The next morning, my mum took me to see a dreams specialist. I think I must have been screaming in my dream or something because she seemed to know about it. The guy talked to me and gave me some pills he said would help, I knew they wouldn't.

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