16. Threats Faye:

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I went to school today as usual and Toby was off ill. He was lying on our sofa downstairs when I left and he hadn't eaten his breakfast. It was quite a normal day at school with normal lessons. I jumped off my bus and walked through the front door. I said hello to Emily as I usually do and then went upstairs to my room to do some homework.

When I got upstairs, Toby was stood outside my bedroom door with a magnifying glass in his hand. I asked him what the matter was and he said he had found the train ticket, the train ticket I wasn't supposed to have, the train ticket Tea had wished for. For a minute I just stood there, staring at him. I couldn't believe he could have found it, this wasn't happening. Then I burst out in tears, this would change everything.

He said if I didn't let him go he would tell my dad. He couldn't tell dad, that would be it, he wouldn't let me go; something bad would happen and I knew that if I didn't go, we would all die. But I didn't even know whether I was actually going yet or not. I screamed at him in despair, I can't even remember what I was screaming, I don't think Toby knew either I was just panicking, what was I supposed to do now?

In the end I stopped crying and calmed myself, muttering 'we are going to die' over and over under my breath. I told Toby to give me three hours and I would tell him my decision, in the meantime he was not to tell his mum or dad. I knew I would have exactly 3 hours because Toby would count it right down to the last seconds.

For a while I really did not know what to do, I knew this would be putting Toby in so much danger, I didn't even know when I was planning to come back from Sacred Hearts, if I even did. Toby could die and it would be my fault, but I couldn't leave him here unless I locked him in my cupboard. He would find a way to tell Emily and dad, he always did, however hard I tried. If he tells them, I am almost certainly not going to Sacred Hearts and I also have a strange feeling were are all going to die. This could all be a trap, but what have we got to loose.

There was only really one option right from the start, I knew there was.

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