11. Faraway tree Faye:

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I had a weird nightmare last night. I know they are all slightly strange but this was extra strange, it was like a dream gone horribly wrong.

We were climbing up a never ending tree, a bit like the Faraway tree in the Enid Blyton books really. We were laughing as torrents of water came tumbling down on top of us. The air smelt like flowers and wild garlic and it was warm and moist. The water was just what we really needed to cool down. Tea was above me in the tree and she turned around to talk to me, laughing the whole time; we were soaked! She turned back around to climb higher but then her foot slipped on the wet branches and she fell. It had been a dream up until that point, it would have been better if it stayed that way.

She screamed and I saw her falling as if it was in slow motion. She kept falling and I just stood there, helplessly screaming her name and watching her fall. I couldn't let this happen. Then, all of a sudden, there was an enormous bucket of boiling water thrown on top of me. It hit me with a smack and I let go of the branch in shock as the water burnt and blistered my skin and my ears started ringing. I was screaming so loud my voice went, and then I was falling too, hitting every branch with a shuddering smack on the way down, thumping my swollen, raw back. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Me and tea were falling, falling like raindrops of led.

I woke up wailing and screaming in agony (again). I checked my back and everything was fine, it was just another nightmare.

I sat up and saw a piece of rope around 1 metre long at the end of my bed. When I turned the light on, I also saw some ice cubes in a glass. I was so confused, why were they there. I certainly hasn't put them there. I went to check on Emily, dad and Toby but they were all fast asleep. I was really scared after that. I couldn't believe they had just appeared there out of no where just after that nightmare. I was too scared to go back to sleep, instead I spent most of the night watching the ice cubes slowly melt away.

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