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VENUS WOKE WITH A jolt, her body covered in cold sweats. She couldn't remember her dream, though she figured it had been intense as it had caused a cold sweat to overcome her skin.

"Bad dream?"

The blonde turned her head to her brunette friend. Mary was dressed and preparing to fetch a quick breakfast when she noticed Venus wake from her slumber.

Venus shook her head, "No." Mary rose an eyebrow, surprised, "Well, I don't think so." She mumbled the last part mainly to herself as she forced herself out of her warm bed.

It had been about a month or so since the forest party, and apparently right after Venus and Colin left the party some students said they saw a stag stumbling around the forest and jumping every now and then as if it were a goat.

"Get dressed quick and we can walk to the Great Hall together." Mary told the blonde, who began quickly grabbing her school clothes. She didn't bother with her hair or face, merely tucking strands behind her ears and splashing water on her face.

The duo walked to the Ravenclaw common room to find a girl relentlessly flirting with Colin. Venus rose an eyebrow when the girl draped a hand over his knee. The boy was obviously nervous and flustered, but Venus could see he was trying to keep his cool.

With a look to Mary, who seemed to be disinterested in the exchange going on between her brother and the unknown girl, Venus continued to make her way through the common room. She didn't want to disturb Colin and his friend.

The Ravenclaw common room was most likely one of the airiest rooms in all of Hogwarts. It was a wide, circular room with arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks and a midnight blue carpet covered in stars, which reflected onto the domed ceiling. The room was furnished with white painted tables, chairs, and bookcases; and by the door leading up to the dormitories stands a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble. The sound of wind whistling around the windows of the tower was more than relaxing while going to sleep or just sitting and pondering.

During the day, Ravenclaw students had an incredible view of the school grounds, including the lake, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch, Herbology gardens and the surrounding mountains. It was a view that was hard to find in any other room.

"Did you hear what happened?"

"McGonagall is going to be fuming!"

"They're ingenious!"

Those were only some of the the gossiping Venus heard when she and Mary sat down at their usual seats on the end of Ravenclaw's table.

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