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Almost everyone in the class sighed as the teacher assigned the homework- 5 chapters of The Scarlet Letter and some online questions.

When the bell rang, Grayson sauntered over to my desk with a smile.

"Wanna hangout after school? I'll never get this reading done alone." He told me,  pleading for me to help him with it. Hanging out with him sounded fun, minus one little detail.

"Will Ethan be there?"

"Nah, he's got plans apparently. You can leave before he gets home, promise." I nodded in agreement, Grayson cheering and telling me he'd meet me at my locker at the end of the day. As long as Ethan wasn't gonna be there, I was okay with it.

He'd been weird for a couple days, and just the sight of him made me sad and angry now. It was Friday, so it hadn't even been that long, but god it felt like it was.

"You going for the other twin now?" Mia rolled her eyes playfully and bumped into my shoulder as she and Noah ran into me in the hall.

"He's sweet," I smiled, watching her open up her locker. "We're just getting closer. As friends of course." And I meant that wholeheartedly. Not only was I still upset over Ethan, I thought Gray and I were better as friends.

"Does he know that?" Noah teased, laughing as I lightly slapped his arm. "Hey, I thought you said it was too cold to wear that outfit for a couple months? You complained about being freezing last time you wore it." He asked, gesturing to my red plaid mini skirt, tucked in white button up, tie, and thigh high socks. "Do we have to listen to you complain all day again?"

It was true, I had been really cold last time and complained, but it was also Ethan's favorite outfit on me.

Not only was I wearing it as a 'fuck you' to him, it was generally just cute. Plus, it was a warmer day today- around 45° outside, which at this point felt like a whole different climate. Winter really makes you used to the cold. So I assured my friends I would be fine.

I hadn't even run into Ethan anyway, and it was time for the last class and I didn't have it with him today so it didn't matter.

Some of my sadness over the situation had turned to anger and pettiness at this point. There were still so many things running through my mind, so many things that I didn't ask Ethan, and it felt like I may not ever know at this point. But even if I could ask him these things, I'm not sure if the words would come out.

Or if I'd like the answers.

So I went to my last class, and when I left Grayson was already standing at my locker with a smile. How the hell did he get here so fast?

On the drive, I immediately noticed he was a lot more careful than Ethan. Then again, everything reminded me of Ethan right now. Even sitting in my own bed I couldn't help but think of time I spent with him.

We didn't feel like doing homework right away, so we decided to make ourselves grilled cheese for a snack.

"Gray, you've got cheese on your nose somehow." I giggled, handing him a napkin and watched as he scrunched it up, the glob of cheese falling onto his shirt.

"God, I'm such a mess," he muttered, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the side. He wandered off for a second and came back wearing a pink and white striped Simpson's shirt instead. "That's better. Wanna get started on homework?"

NUDES ☞ ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now