New Orleans

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Cordelia's POV:
"Dear diary, it's been only 2 weeks that I've left Luci to explore the world some more on my own and I'm already help captivated in this awful cemetery, with a pregnant wolf, because of this stupid witches." I said while glaring to the one that I discovered as the responsible for this, Sophie Deveraux but letting Lucifer's name unknown.

She just rolled her eyes at me and left again, it's been almost two weeks that I'm here and I've got to the conclusion that, as always, Lucifer is right about hating this kind of witches, but obviously, I'll never admit this to her, her ego is already big as it is.

As you may have noted, I called Lucifer as 'she' and, surprise, surprise, the devil is a woman, shocker right? I didn't believe her at first too, not very wise of me because she took me to hell with her for a little trip.
She never tortured me if that's what you're asking, let's just say that she took me in as her apprentice a long time ago when she saw that some scientists made me their fucking laboratory rat, and they succeeded because I'm a scarlet witch, only one of my kind but they couldn't do anything more than this because Luci killed everyone that worked for them and their families, harsh but as she says "we can't have loose ends, little red, they always come for you in the end".

Luci took me in when I was only 10 and for that I'll be always grateful, yes she is a heartless bitch and the fucking devil herself, the queen of hell, goddess of death and all the others names but she still raised me, trained me and gave me all I wanted, she is pretty much my mother actually, and i know that I'm especial to her even if she has a strange way to demonstrate love and affection.
I lived with her until I was 21 and she made me immortal and no, I'm not a vamp, I just don't age anymore and still have my powers which is pretty good because she helped me to control them. I'm actually 77 years old but my body will be forever 22.

I'm always with her but sometimes I like to spend some time alone so I take trips for a month and then go back to hell, that has become my home in the past years of my existence. Hell is nowhere near what you may think, Luci loves too much fashion to make anything ugly, yes it's dark, black and red -her favorites colors- everywhere but it's the most beautiful place that I know. I'm like a princess there, the demons know that I'm not cruel or anything like that but they are too loyal to Lucifer to try something against me, and the new demons? They fear her too much to even think about it.

But, back to the story, I'm in New Orleans, nightlife, music, culture, having the time of my life and the next thing I know I wake up here, oh god help me, Luci will be furious when she learns that I was caught off guard. As I was saying, I'm locked here with a werewolf called Hayley, she's pregnant of the original hybrid, Luci always told me their history, she said that she always accompanied the hybrid but without showing herself. I told her that she was a stalker but she just laughed saying "He's too entertaining to me and has a glorious body, you'll understand when you meet him, little red" sometimes I caught her making some demons mislead Mikael, his stepfather, from him and when I asked her why she couldn't just kill him she told me that Niklaus needed to tame his demons"

Hayley and I have gotten closer each day, so when Sophie took her to see the hybrid with anger issues I went together while trying to contact Luci in my mind.
I stopped daydreaming when I listened Klaus saying "Kill them and the child", I saw that Hayley, Elijah and Sophie were too shocked to say something so I said "Like hell she will". At this moment I heard that maniacal laughter that caused chills in everyone but me, knowing whose this was made me smile brightly, and they were looking everywhere trying to see where it was coming from when she appeared beside me with a big smile on her face.

 Lucifer's POV:I've been trying to find Cordelia for a week now and nothing, which made me really annoyed because she had left 2 weeks ago and is already in problem, like come on, she's supposed to be an old lady right now, and she still gets alwa...

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Lucifer's POV:
I've been trying to find Cordelia for a week now and nothing, which made me really annoyed because she had left 2 weeks ago and is already in problem, like come on, she's supposed to be an old lady right now, and she still gets always in trouble. But the fact that she hasn't contacted me has made me think that this has to be some stupid witch, stupid humans, father dearest not only made 'men' but also gave some of them powers, making them think so highly of themselves, so special, when they're actually nothing. My monsters are much more powerful them these fools, so I've got some demons figuring out which coven has taken her and finally they discovered where she is.

Arriving their, I noticed the witches watching the scene in front of them, Lia was daydreaming, like always, momma wolf, the noble Mikaelson and my best creation, the original hybrid, known as the 'devil in disguise', oh if they only knew...

And yes I said MY creation, Esther had to study dark magic to do the spell and as you may know, i control darkness so, I granted her the ability to make them immortal, what she didn't know was their hunger for blood, my idea obviously, but I gave them the gift of compulsion too so you can't say that I'm only bad. As I was saying, I saw them as humans and I only liked Niklaus and Kol, obviously, they intrigued me, one was a wolf and the other a witch that was pure mischief, what a great combination.

Klaus always intrigued me the most, and I wanted him powerful, so I had my ways to make his wolf side continue with the vampirism, my little wolf turned out to be my greatest treasure, even if he doesn't know this yet.

As I watched the show, I discovered that the witches were trying to manipulate him by threatening his unborn child and planing to use Cordelia as a weapon.
Another thing that you should know about me is that I'm possessive and I hate when someone try to take or command MY things and they did this not once, with Lia, but with Nik too.

I heard Niklaus saying to kill the three and the comment that Cordelia made and I couldn't help but laugh in joy and pride of him of course, it's not everyone that see power before family, so knowing that he decided this made my day, but I saw the hesitation in his eyes.

They looked around trying to find me then I stepped out of my shadows and besides Little red, that was smiling brightly at me, while I was smirking like the Cheshire Cat, oh dear, i love that cat.

I looked over to her and said "Hello little red, missed me?" with the smile not faltering from my face.

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