Hello, Brother

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When the fight was almost over, the girls were winning, Kol had had his neck broken and was laying down on the floor, they were fighting pretty well, they had figured every weakness, used all the openings and after hours battling, they were becoming slower because of the tiredness.

They got Tiamat and went after the only one up when suddenly, Lucifer decided to make a little chaos, her eyes turned their dark empty ones a the same time as their eyes showed a vibrant red, the energy flowed around the hellhounds making it visible for everyone, it shocked the girls, making Luci's puppies get the upper hand and win the fight.

They groaned pouting as Lucifer laughed from her place, Kol was waking up now and looked confused towards the scene, trying to figure out why Katherine and Lilith and frowns and were with arms crossed, still on the floor, glaring at the laughing devil that had her hellhounds around her with their own grin, which made them even creepier.

Katherine started to get up and shouted "That's not fair, mom!" While Lilith did the same and said "You cheated!", Kol looked amused and had a smirk when he heard that they won.

Lucifer rolled her eyes playfully and said "Life isn't fair, deal with it and who said there were rules?", a smirk appeared on her face as well as Kat's as they said simultaneously "No rules".

Kitty Kat seemed to remember her new found powers because she squealed and run towards Lucifer, jumping on the devil and giving her a hug as Luci caught her so they wouldn't fall, she looked strangely at her daughter, not understanding what had happened when Katherine started talking.

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you! Those powers were awesome, what does it make me? The original Medusa? Shit! I'm the real Medusa, right?"

Lucifer was with her mouth open, blinking, as she stared at the brunette. Her gaze turned towards Kol, that after seeing her face, was laughing so hard that he didn't even get up from the floor. She, then, looked at her youngest daughter that was red, clearly trying hard to not laugh, and, finally, she looked at Katherine again.

"What the fuck! Do you have a fucking nest of snakes instead of hair? Did they turn into fucking stones when they looked in your eyes? You're a Culebra!" She put Katherine on the ground, her face still held disbelief, shaking her head she said "You know what? You can be the new Medusa, I don't even... forget it, I'm going now, family reunion ya'know?" And she started walking, mumbling "I'm not sure if I attract crazy, or if I make them that way"

As she left the room, they continued to stay in silence, looking to where she was just a minute before. Katherine looked at Lilith and Kol and they did the same before they started laughing hard again when Lilith said "She knows everyone here can hear what she says right? Even when she whispers?", Kol stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face, yes a smile, not his usual smirk, as he thought about Lucifer, she surely was something else.

"Oh, darling, she knows, she just doesn't care enough to stop mumbling" and with this they went to their rooms.


After Lucifer left Hell, she went to find out where Gabriel was, he always changed where he was so it wouldn't be easy to find him out, but she knew him better, enough to have an idea as to where he could be.

She teleported to a beach and saw that Gabriel sat looking at the ocean, he always loved the sea, it reminded her of him, sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's a chaos, but it's always dangerous for some people, it just didn't show who would be their next victim.

She sat down beside him, neither talking, only appreciating the sight. They did it when they were kids, Gabriel loved to see the calm before the storm and as Luci could control the weather, she changed it just to see her little brother state in amazement.

It has been a while since she took her time to control the weather, normally she would only change it accidentally, she closed her eyes and focused on the wind, a soft breeze began to form and pass around them. She opened her eyes and they were black with the iciest blue as her normal pupil, the wind began to get stronger and the waves more violent, lighting began to form and thunder roared around, such a beautiful thing to see, it was literally the calm before the storm.

The she devil has forgotten how much she loved this, a soft smile was placed on her face as she looked at her baby brother. He, too, had a smile on his face, a big one, he had missed this and his sister, it was a while since they had been together, but he never chose one sibling which made Lucifer mad, she just didn't comprehend why he didn't, it was obvious that the two were the closest so why didn't he take her side?

Gabriel knew that this time he didn't have a choice, that Lucifer or Michael would eliminate him if he didn't step in one side soon. He knew it and he understood, you can't have a war with a soldier going to both sides, it was dangerous for the both of them.

He was sad, that's why he wasn't tricking anyone, he had a big problem to think about and he was an important piece of the game. He knew how Lucifer thought, she was never one to hide her game, it was only those around her that didn't take time to analyze.

She was cunning, the best strategist, she knew what to do, how and the right moment to. She didn't need to hide her game because she was the best player, he was shocked to see her loosing the last time, it was the only one that she lost and he knew that it only happened because Michael cheated and he knew that she wouldn't make the same mistake, so the only way that she wouldn't win was if God decided to fight beside their older brother, that's if Lucifer didn't have a plan for this situation either, which was unlikely.

Luci's eyes soften a bit at the sight of her favorite brother, it wasn't a surprise to anyone that he was her protégée, but it quickly was replaced with her usual smirk as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Hello, Brother"

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