Guardian Devil

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No one's POV:
As the days passed, Lucifer watched the family. Klaus gave Elijah's body to Marcel to gain his trust but that didn't help too much, seeing as Marcel was still plotting against him with Davina, making Lucifer's blood boil with anger and god helped who made the devil angry.

Against what people believe, Luci was very hard to be angry, of course, she is psychotic, crazy and evil but she usually doesn't care enough to be angry at something, so when Marcel did it, he was damned.

Niklaus had thought about the devil quite a lot after that day and he could swear that he would hear her voice when he was planning something or when something was going wrong, like the day that Hayley was almost caught by the vampires, he heard a whisper saying her name, and when he was questioning Marcel about the witches and about him being the king, he heard Luci saying "show him who has the power" and he heard those voices and saw that she always helped him, making him confused because who would expect the devil to help someone, right?

As for Hayley and Cordelia, they spent all days together, bonding, talking and making silly jokes with each other. Rebekah was focused on finding the good brother and Lucifer didn't like her enough to watch what she was doing, only having a demon around to make sure that she wasn't planning something against Luci's plans.

Lucifer saw Hayley entering the room that Klaus and Rebekah were with Cordelia behind her. Hayley asked the siblings "The werewolf and witch would like to know what the plan is" with Cordelia nodding her head. Klaus answers "Well, that depends on what plan you mean, love. My plan for global domination or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world?" Nik heard Lucifer laughing, making a smile appear on his face as he looked at the ground, missing that Rebekah had thrown a paintbrush at him. He looked up just in time to see that it was going to stab him when a black mist appeared around it and went with double speed towards Rebekah, right throw her neck, making all of them look shocked towards her as she gasped, putting her hands around her neck and dropping to her knees, waiting for the injure to close, which was taking more than the usual.

When she was finally healed, she looked shocked towards Klaus that had an evil smirk on his face, making her even angrier with him, and with this she tried to attack him again, but this time she was stopped by Cordelia that said "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Luci gets really angry when someone messes with  her things" Rebekah looked confused as she asked "who the hell are you talking about? And I'm an original vampire, I can't be killed" with an arrogant smirk appearing on her face as she went once again towards Niklaus that didn't make a move, expecting to see what Lucifer would do.

As Rebekah was about to achieve Klaus' neck, she froze hearing an animalistic growl from behind her, but this time, not only the vampire saw the two hellhounds beside her, but the whole room.

Making them shake in fear, except from Klaus that only got more excited and laughed wholeheartedly at the scene, as even Cordelia was afraid because she knew that those hellhounds only obeyed Lucifer and were by fair her most precious creation, me...

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Making them shake in fear, except from Klaus that only got more excited and laughed wholeheartedly at the scene, as even Cordelia was afraid because she knew that those hellhounds only obeyed Lucifer and were by fair her most precious creation, meaning the ones that she gave more power and darkness too, as she never saw one survival from the beats.

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