I Was Made for Lovin' You

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Lucifer's POV:

I was on the throne thinking about my next plans when one of my demons entered the room, I saw him bowing to me making my attention turn towards him, expecting to know what would be important enough that he didn't tell some of the leaders and had to talk directly with me.

As you may be imagining, I have some people that I put in charge in some things so that when there's a problem, questions or any other situation that a common demon can't deal with, they go directly with those and then if even they can't do anything about it, they come to me. It's easier for everyone this way and more organized, and with this I am never in the dark in some situation, because all of the important activities are passed to me.

The demon stand straight again and said "My Queen, it seems that Katerina is dying, we still don't have all the details but we know that this has to do with Elena's group of protectors. Apparently the demon that you sent to check on her was killed by one of your brothers, so that's why we only learned about this information."

I locked my jaw and stand up, walking over the big glass that showed the outside of my palace. I was really angry at this point, first the situation with Niklaus, now Katerina is dying because of a silly human and to make things better, an angel killed one of my demons.

My eyes were already black around my blue pupils, making them seem even brighter. The climate changed, instead of the bright sun that was before, thunder roared and started raining, the wind was strong, colder and the sky was darker. You see, when I'm angry I don't lose my temper, my face remains stoic and I can control the change in my eyes but since I was made, I never could cover my feelings to the sky, they always gave me away, showing my true emotions, and this is a thing that really pissed me off because it was something I didn't have control and as a queen and being Lucifer, I'm always trying to be in control.

The demon that gave me the news remained silent, waiting for an order, but knowing to not interrupt my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder to him and he visibly flinched at the sight of my eyes, but I didn't say anything about it as I was calculating what to do now.

I began walking in the direction of my room as I said to him "Get all of my darlings outside, I'll be there shortly after you", as I continued walking he asked "All of them ma'am? Even the ones that aren't here?" I smirked darkly and said "All of them, my dear, all of them" and with this I continued to my room.

Arriving there I saw the little girl playing with the brunette man, both laughing as they jumped on my bed while singing I was made for lovin' you with each other. I leaned on the door and stayed watching amused, my smirk growing as they continued, without noticing me. When the music stopped, I heard the duo laughing at themselves and falling on the bed.

I took this moment to make myself known and said in a teasing voice "Oh darlings, I'm doing a favor to humanity not letting you two sing around, I think that I could put you singing to torture my souls!" Making them jump and fall of the bed with red faces as they looked at each other before looking at me again. The little girl with the blue eyes, exactly the same as mine, pouted and crossed her arms as she looked away and said "Daddy made me do it, it's his fault" I looked towards the man again, smirking as he turned towards her, red, and put a hand in his chest, playfully, saying "How could you betray me like this?!" The little girl was trying to keep her face serious, but you could see that she was trying hard to not laugh at her father's face.

I laughed at them, making the duo laugh with me, I sighed and said "I just wanted to tell you that I'll be on earth again, I have some things to deal with, but it's really fast. Now now pumpkins, don't do anything I wouldn't".

The brunette frowned and looked to me saying "Darling, you're literally the devil, what wouldn't you do?" I raised my eyebrow and looked to the 5 years old girl, she winked at me and said "Don't be silly daddy, we can do whatever we want!"  With her hands on her hips, i smirked at her and looked at him "See? Even she knows", the man looked at the both of us with an incredulous face and said "You two are soooooo mean to me, what did I do to have to deal with the devil and the mini devil?" I looked at the little girl and winked. She looked at him and smirked, the evil smirk that I always do, making me laugh again at her father's face, seeing that his mouth was opening and closing like a fish.

I sighed again and said "I have to go now, sweets, see you later" and with this I went outside the castle, looking towards the immersion of creatures in front of me, making my evil smirk appear again.
"Hi boys!"

They all bowed, smirking, with this I continued "It appears that my lovely brothers are hunting my babies down after a long time, which made me suspicious about their intentions

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They all bowed, smirking, with this I continued "It appears that my lovely brothers are hunting my babies down after a long time, which made me suspicious about their intentions. I guess they are forgetting what happens with those who hurt my little monsters!", some laughed, cheering making me smile widely.

The little girl with her father arrived the place and stood near me, so I continued "Now, I'm gonna make a game, what do you say?" Some of the demons that were still young stayed quiet, still not used with my ways, while the others were cheering again, little Lilith and her father had smiles on their faces, "The game is simple, I'm going to hunt one of my little brothers and bring him/her here and I want you to think about the better ideas to torture them and the winner will get promoted!" Now, all of them had evil smirks on their faces and the room grew darker.

I waited for a moment and said playfully again "But I'm really sure that you can't beat mine"

They were confused until someone shouted "What's your idea, master?" I looked at Lilith and my smile grew as she began to blush, "I'll put Lilith and her father to sing to them, just imagine, I dare you to find something more evil

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They were confused until someone shouted "What's your idea, master?" I looked at Lilith and my smile grew as she began to blush, "I'll put Lilith and her father to sing to them, just imagine, I dare you to find something more evil." 

With this, all of them laughed, already used with my craziness, I stopped laughing and said "Now boys, back to business, as I was saying there are some of you being murdered by some angels, so nobody can leave hell unless it's of extremely importance and you have to tell me so I can insure your safety, got it?"

They were serious again and nodded, saying in unison "Yes, my queen" making me smile and say "That's it babies, now, let the most evil win, dispensed, I'm really excited"

They were serious again and nodded, saying in unison "Yes, my queen" making me smile and say "That's it babies, now, let the most evil win, dispensed, I'm really excited"

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