hwang hyunjin | black cap

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Saying you missed him was an understatement. Your boyfriend, Hyunjin, had been shooting a new music video for his upcoming comeback with stray kids. He was supposed to be home by now, promising to be back for dinner. Although, plans must not have fallen through.

Alone you say at the dinner table, everything set up. Food, drinks and candles. It wouldn't help you to just sit and mope, so you stood up. Heading to your shared room. At least you could try to be protective while he was gone. Cleaning up around the room and going through old clothes in your closet.

After a few hours, he still hadn't arrived. Trying to ignore the ache in your heart, you made your way to the sofa. You didn't mind so much that he was gone longer. It was just the fact that he hadn't recieved the time to just text you.

Since you had missed the last episode, you began to watch (your favourite show). It had distracted you slightly. Just as you were about to doze off, the door began to open. Causing you to jump slightly. "(Y/N)?" You heard the familiar voice ask. Making you stand up. It was Hyunjin.

Running would be an exaggeration but you quickly walked over, wrapping your arms around him tightly. Taking in his scent, you went to run your fingers through his hair, although his black hat was in the way. "Heyyyy it's in the way" you pouted as you pulled away slightly to admire the features of his face. "I'm sorryy. But here, I'll kiss you and make up for it" he cheekily responded.

You chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss him. But in rejection, his hat hitting your forehead. "this damn hat" he muttered, ripping it off his head and throwing it to the side.

Before you could even laugh or say anything, you felt his plump lips softly on yours.

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